A little parlor sort of game--I was assigned a letter, "U" in my case, and am to give some words that begin with "U" that are important to me in some way. "U" was a challenge, but here goes...
unusual: I like to believe I am this. In fact, my whole life has been a pursuit of being unusual, being thought to be unusual. I'm not sure whether everyone feels this way, but I can't stand the thought that I might be usual, ordinary, standard, typical, regular. It's almost an obsession, and, I'll admit, a conceit.
"Ulysses" by James Joyce: When I was reading it for the first time for a college course, my dad (whose favorite book it was) and I discussed it at great length one night, I sitting cross-legged in the hall of my college dormitory, he back home in Brooklyn. Dad said, and I've never forgotten, that he would read it periodically over the years, and every time he read it, it was more meaningful than the last time. Now I know that's true--the longer I've been married to Sarge, the more the book means to me; it's a portrait of, among other things, a long marriage.
unbelief: I've always believed in God, deep down, but have at times struggled with unbelief and have come to the conclusion that I would rather cast my lot in, take the leap of faith, and just let myself believe. It's been at times almost like a conscious decision, however paradoxical that might sound. Unbelief is too uncertain, too scary.
unbending and unbuttoned: The dichotomy of Leah. My tightly-wound self at odds with the more free, more free-wheeling, self I know I am.
uniform: I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I love a man in uniform. Soldiers, police. All the symbolism, the regimented strength, the suggested experience. What can I do, it's just another of my fetishes. Maybe it's because I just can't abide weakness in men. I mean, weaknesses are wonderful and individual, of course (everyone's got them), but not overall weakness; that makes me feel squiggly. Maybe that's not fair, but I must come clean that I cannot. The uniform says, "I've got a gun and I'm not afraid to use it!" Okay, just kidding on that last part.
urban: I'm urban. I'm comfortable in the city, on the sidewalks, I've got good street smarts, I can get anywhere on the subway, I can make my way quickly through a milling herd of tourists, I hate Broadway shows (just like a good native NYer should), I can tolerate noise and ruckus and 3 a.m. traffic on the expressway. The funny thing is, I'm comfortable in deep country too. But I'm a city girl at heart.
*photo by Leo Reynolds, from Flickr Creative Commons
Very entertaining, expecially the unbuttoned part.
Seriously though, I've always enjoyed reading your intelligent quip filled posts. You have the knack of keeping your readers on their toes, as you twist and turn throughout.
Most of all however, I just thoroughly enjoy U.
I'd like to hear you Ululate.
Jimmy Bytheway: thanks so much! what a nice nice thing to say! It's Sunday morning, not my Sabbath, so I s'pose I'm unbuttoned now. I'd better hang onto that.
MJ: in fact, I can ululate. It's quite hard on one's throat, and never seems to come in very handy, but I can do it if I have to.
unique, true, but then again...did you know about these U words? xoxox
(i am in that unbuttoned mental mode bordering on something i can't put a name to just yet.)
...wicked WICKED woman that you are!
Very well done! I've been wondering how you would deal with this difficult letter.
Hope U are having a lovely weekend!
savannah: that's a great list, thanks!
Jimmy: Indeed.
Megan: it was tricky letter! I couldn't think of a single "u" word initially that wasn't totally negative--"unwell," "unhinged," etc...
Unhinged is a nice word. It has a special crazy quality to it. LOL.
This was a good post. Thanks for bringing it to life.
As always, I am amazed by your skills...your use of the language is inspiring, so downright sexy!
Unparalleled... very well written once again Leah!
Cece: that special crazy quality is what I was trying to avoid revealing, LOL!
Lisa: thanks so much Lisa! This was a funny game--a real writing exercise!
Just Bob: I almost added "unguents" to the list, as I like my jasmine scented lotion, but that word made me too squeamish...
Men in uniform...
you have just done the best job on this leah!
i really get the uniform thing too.....
take care
Must I be dumb and mention the Gang of Four song?
Candie: I trust that the (...) means that you too understand the allure of the uniform?
Hi Kylie!!
Megan: say what u want?
I enjoyed reading this...most unusual :) Very insightful too.
It is uncanny how unbending and unbuttoned describes so many of us. Nicely stated.
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