Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I waited and waited for spring, and it has arrived. Now I nervously await more colors for my Ripple and Grannies from Purl Soho, my most favoritest knitting store. Why nervously? I'm not sure. Why was I nervous about spring's arrival? It would come no matter what, and come it did. My joy can now only be increased by a box of Rowan cotton glace.

I also expect soon a pattern and yarn for my scarf pal's scarf--it will be lace, knit up in pure cashmere, in a color called Hydrangea, also from Purl:

Yarn! It's practically all I can think about. I'm escaping into a world of fancy yarn...

1 comment:

Too Little Time said...

This yarn is so yummy you can almost feel it thru the picture ohh fiber envy