It's so hauntingly beautiful in the North Country, and I'm so happy to be here, but I am having a terrible time with my internet access and my diabolical MacBook track pad, which is betraying me so cruelly, and so am unable to post my musings and ruminations and I feel deprived of one of my most treasured outlets for my particular brand of insanity...
In truth, when I look at the face of it, I don't have much to say. Vacation has set in and taken hold. There is very good soft ice cream around here. We favor a local roadside stand, Martha's Dandee Cream--we refer to it as "Marfa's" in honor of baby Hedgehog's charming elocution--and indulge in rather Lucullan swirly custardy cones with sprinkles. I like coffee flavor, Hedgehog orders orange cream and vanilla swirl. Others among us go for straight up chocolate. Between that and all the sunshine and fresh air and dipping in the lake, the fireworks and long walks down country roads, I am pretty well anaesthetized...
I can tell you're roughing it:)
My son reckons blogging / writing keeps me young. When we go away - usually only for a week - I don't do any as I have no lap- top and don't really want one.
I do however make notes when i feel the urge so there are plenty of posts when I return.
Make the most of your lovely break.
It all sounds very delicious. cream
have MASSIVE amounts of fun, sugar! ;~D xoxoxo
Sounds like a very Northeastern way to spend a summer afternoon :)
Haunting beauty, ice cream and anaesthesia. Sounds good to me. And I'm sure you'll have some great anecdotes to relate when you're finally back in Brooklyn.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Or is it abstinence?
@ UB; I think that's ABSINTHE.
Any news of from the haunted woods?:P
sounds like you are having a wonderful time. the pic makes me pine for the woods...was there early this morning...had a snake try to sneak up on me which put a little damper...would trade it for ice cream any day. Cole actually likes coffe ice cream. guess i am getting him hooked early. not sure if that is a good thing.
I love ice cream, and Coffee flavored Ice Cream is the BOMB!
I am regressing. I just finished reading Sarg's guest post and I must comment on my first car.
It was a Chevy Cavalier. AND it was a piece of junk. It certainly wasn't a "Love Shack". It left me on the side of the road more times than I can count. One time I was driving down the freeway at nighttime and it stopped working. It was like someone had turned the key off. I was baffled. So I coasted to the side of the road and popped the hood. The hood was so hot, it burned my hand when I was getting it open. I soon understood why. My engine was on fire. Yeah, it was "HOT STUFF"!!! I basically walked to the back of the car and kicked the tires a few time and called the car a few choice words and started walking(In the Dark I might add) toward home. Home was more than 10 miles away. A state trooper came by and picked me up. He told me it was dangerous for a woman to be walking the freeway at night alone. I told him I had no choice as my car was on fire down the road. We drove back to my car and he took a look at it. He told my I had an oil leak and that the Engine really was on fire, it was just burning oil that had blown onto the engine. He put some oil in the car and started it up and told me I could drive it home. I made it to town, when it quite on me again. This time I rolled it behind a dumpter at a gas station and left it there. (until the next Day) So yeah, Life was a Highway back then, but the car didn't like to drive it all night long.
Sounds absolutely divine, and your blog is doing OK without you so just enjoy that vacation time. Now I need to go get some ice cream. Too bad we don't have any "Marfa's" out here.
I don't blog when I'm on hollies. Detracts from the experience. I meet bloggers tho! Now that's fun. I'd much rather be slurping soft coffee ice cream than guzzling cappucinos in my break frankly! Enjoy, we'll all be here when you get back!
Hey save some of that ice-cream for me lol
Wishing you are having a great time! Enjoy :)
I'll have the coffee ice cream too. Although, Hedgie could entice me with the orange/vanilla swirl. Have a great time. I miss you too.
Simply beautiful. Enjoy.
Love to all.
Cece's story is just to fun!
Ice cream. Ice cream. Ice cream. If I say it often enough, will you send some over to me? Orange cream and vanilla sounds delish.
Have a lovely time.
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