Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Just Wanted to Bite the Buttons off His Frock Coat, One by One

All through the "Half-Blood Prince" matinee I attended today, I couldn't stop thinking about those buttons on the Potions Master's coat.

I've mentioned them before.  I thought I wanted to lick them.  But today I realized that they are cloth, not glass, and they would need to be bitten instead.

Bitten off one by one.  While he waited impatiently but with a stillness born of well-practiced discipline.  While the frock coat opened just a little bit more.  And then a bit more.


Suzanne said...

Baby, whatdayathink that fabric is? Wool? Looks like wool to me. I don't think that's flannel. You bite into that crap, you're gonna need to floss. You'll also need therapy.


Leah said...

In my haze of Severus Lust I hadn't even stopped to consider the practical aspects of the endeavor.

My teeth are pretty strong though, and after all what chance does thread stand in my avid pursuit.

Megan said...

Cigarette break!!!!!

(Pant, pant)

Suzanne said...

Between you and Megan I can't breathe in this freakin' place. I may have to call the athorities and, I'll find something to report, damit (dammit). Oh you bet your ass someone's coming to the door, if for nothing else but to pry those buttons from your mouth. You know how charity begins at home. Someone could use those buttons.


P.S. Thanks for "over there." Feeling much better darling. Love you so.

BEAST said...

I wish you hadn't mentioned that.
It makes my teeth feel funny....and not in a good way!

Leah said...

Beast--my teeth didn't start to feel funny till the fifth button.

Barlinnie said...

I'm laughing too hard to comment on your 'latest' sexual fantasy.

Oh how the female mind works...

nick said...

Biting off buttons eh? Does this fetish extend to biting off underwear? I think we should be told....

savannah said...

wow, and i thought i was having a difficult time sleeping! ;~D xoxox

Candie said...

OH YOU AS WELL!!Hot post!It's morning here and I'm starting the day like that!OMG!LOL :D
I'm gonna have to write a hot poem or a hot scene in my book now!Got to let it out somewhere!:D

Pat said...

Calm down ducky - they're only buttons:)
Now zips!

Ms Scarlet said...

Velcro! I like the sound of ripping velcro! I'm a bit instant.

Leah said...

Megan--I think I'll join you in a cigarette...

Suzy--I'll bite the buttons off those cops' shirts as well!

Jimmy--and there's so much more where this came from.

nick--I hadn't thought about it till you mentioned it, but sure! Why not? I wonder what the Potions Master wears under all that Victorian wool. Boxer shorts I hope.

Savannah--and when I finally fell asleep, I dreamed of buttons...rows and rows and rows of buttons...

Candie--I wrote it in dead of night--it seems just a bit strange in cold light of day, lol!

Pat--zippers. I wonder if the Potions Master has zippers?

Scarlet--he definitely doesn't have any velcro. Unless maybe at the front of his footed pyjamas...

Baino said...

You're so saucy! I'd be to impatient to bite 'em off . . thank God for the Swiss Army knife . .handy little tool!

Anonymous said...

Leah you prob'ly won't believe this, but 'tis true. While in Navy boot camp, we had many a drill. one was for properly folding our clothing( including making sure all buttons were done up on the shirts ). The RPOC would go round biting off the unbuttoned ones and you had to have 'em sewed back on by next inspection! five minutes!!! I've seen as many as 5 chomped off one shirt!

Leah said...

Baino--a swiss army knife!!! Now that is sexy.

Sub--you have no idea how your story just made my day. First off, you have let me know that my fantasy has some utility. Second, it's just an awesome story.

Merely Me said...

Crap! I am going to see the movie Sunday as we couldn't get a sitter last week. Now that is all I am going to think about.

It still is really clever though!

Tess Kincaid said...

This button theme is making all the bloggies frisky!

mapstew said...

Frock coats just remind me of 'the brothers'! (Christian)

Not happy times.

Karen ^..^ said...

Your imagination knows no bounds!

I love how you give him just that bit of proper respect: The potions master, and a stillness born of well-practiced discipline.

You are so funny, and adorable!!

And I'm with Megan... gonna go have a cigarette now, *pant, pant*

mapstew said...

p.s. just got to read the comments in your last post!


Brian Miller said...

if nothing this theme has made me cleaner with all the showers i am having to take...steamy.

Anonymous said...

leah, aw shucks! :)

CocoDivaDog said...

My reading glasses are getting foggy...

Ed & Jeanne said...

Damn, some of you are having way too much enjoyment out of this button theme...I need a cold shower.

Wings1295 said...

Alrighty then! hahahaha

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Is it the jacket or the man?

Betsy Brock said...

Yea, I agree...licking all those fuzzy cloth buttons would be kinda icky! LOL

Ronda Laveen said...

If you talk Sarge into wearing that frock, let me know how you did it. I could be up for a little de-frocking myself.

Leah said...

merelyme--watch out especially for that early scene with Severus, Narcissa, and Bellatrix. It is smoking hot.

Willow--I know! There was definitely a great deal of frisking today.

Map--oh noooo....I hope I don't have a subconscious fetish for men of the cloth...although, I think they did style Alan Rickman to remind one of that, so I can't be blamed entirely...

Karen--I hoped you'd like this one!

Brian--I abstain from cold showers in hopes that it'll make my writing better, LOL.

Kat--I haven't, but Daniel Radcliffe (that's who it is) was pretty fine in Half-Blood Prince too. Not as fine as my love Alan, you understand, but pretty fine nonetheless. He's grown up, I'll give him that.

And I will be over to take a peek at your meme! Can't wait!


Leah said...

Auntie--my glasses were fogged throughout Half-Blood Prince.

VE--who knew that a button theme could inspire such depths of depravity?

Wings-- ; )

JAH-H--thank you for that! What a brilliant quote!

Betsy--yes, way too fuzzy.

Ronda--don't you just love a good frock coat? I wonder, now, really, how to persuade...

Leah said...

Kat--Yes, Rickman as the Potions Master! What's funny is that, although I adore him, I've not seen him in much else, and so I just think of him as Snape. Although I love the book Snape even more. I know I'd love "Sense and Sensibility" though; it's all about the frock coats, no? Thanks for the recs.

Dot-Com said...

If only they had been Cadbury Buttons made from milk chocolate... Mmmm!

Mike said...

Button translated into a lot of sex today! Kind of funny really, if the theme were heat, no one would have gone there! LOL!

The Silver Fox said...

This has been a day for cold showers and cigarettes!

And I, a self-proclaimed male slut, did a decidedly non-sexual post!

Liza B. Gonzalez said...

Oh, you naughty girl. Glad you enjoyed the movie and then some. = )

Jaime said...

i'll never be able to look at that movie the same :)

Suzanne said...

My darling Button Fetish Queen (aka BFQ (feel like I'm at MacDonald's or something)),

"Sense and Sensibility." Yes you should read it and smack some into that wacky brain of yours!!! This comment page is hilarious. You have such a collection of terrific friends. It's always a pleasure to stop by and see what you're up to and see what friends are thinking. What a hoot.

Love you as always (spits wool button out..."Look Leah! I got the last one!!!)


Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Well, I NEVER thought the button them would need a rating!
Good one!

Skeeter said...

It must've taken hours to get into costume with all those buttons!

Ms Scarlet said...

I can also recommend 'An Awfully Big Adventure'. Hugh Grant does a bit of acting and Rickman, well, brilliant as ever.

Kris McCracken said...

Lick them?


Mrsupole said...

This is all my fault I guess, all this "button" fetish going on.

All I can think about when you mention biting the buttons off are those dang Cadbury buttons that dot-com posted about. So again I must say that I need some chocolate, although biting it off of a man's clothes would be great. Hmmmm, I wonder what hubby would think about me biting the buttons off a man's clothes, oh wait he already knows.....not.

Okay, I need to have him go buy me one of those trashy novels, will have to have him hunt for one with buttons in it. Seriously if you write one, I hope you put a lot of button biting in it. Just make sure that none of the teeth break and that those buttons are not sewn on with nylon thread.

Okay, going back to the ice pack on the shoulder. I knew I should just keep reading and quit writing comments.

God bless and I need a cold shower now. Thanks everyone.

lettuce said...

mmmm alan rickman

Dreamhaven said...

bitting off buttons? What a unique wy to floss,lol

Veresna said...

Sorry I haven't been here in awhile. Glad to see that I was not alone in having my Rickman/Snape passion rekindled by the movie.

Travis Erwin said...

Snape? Really?