Glenlivet with Sarge, leaning against the kitchen counter mid-afternoon, taken in quick swallows; the searing flame in my throat, the flooding warmth at the top of my head, making me fuzzy and clear at the same time...
Good and Fiery--my own box, all mine in its artificial brightness, its hot sweet cheer.
Bach, "Goldberg Variations."
Motorhead, "Ace of Spades."
Motorhead, "Ace of Spades."
Good and Fiery? Sounds intriguing, but I doubt if they'll pop up this side of the pond. We don't even get Hershey's chocolate bars (though I have to say I think they're greatly overrated anyway).
Ace of Spades and Goldberg! Couldn't get much more of a contrast there. Except maybe Born in the USA and the Internationale....
Nick: Good and Fiery are terrific. I'd never seen them before yesterday, but the packaging was so beautiful that they just jumped into my hot lil hands!
I agree that Hershey bars are overrated. They're not specially good chocolate--not awful, not great. I think that it's the iconic packaging (it's always about packaging, see?) that gives them their allure.
We also had the Grateful Dead and "Lucia di Lammermoor" on the playlist...
I haven't bought a hershey bar in decades. They are WAY overrated. Instead I go to World Market and buy Ritter chocolate, or any other sort of expensive chocolate to satisfy my rare cravings. Hershey is a waste. Not good at all.
Leah, you and Sarge make ordinary days a great celebration, don't you?
I love that.
i think i'll stick to Good n' the licorice, 'specially black. And as for chocolate, Dove dark chocolate is 10X better than Hershey. mmmmm, chocolate. Have a good weekend!
Karen: I like fancy chocolate too. And I'm always up for a little chocolate taste test! Our natural foods store around the corner has some wonderful organic chocolates from small companies.
What's funny is that Hedgie prefers very dark chocolate (80%), the really fancy kind, but she also likes a Hershey bar once in awhile. She's democratic like that.
The power of chocolate is not to be underestimated, though. Just think of its uses in the defense against the dark arts in Harry Potter! And a few weeks ago, I picked Hedgie up after school and she was so grumpy. The mother of one of her friends was passing us, took one look at Hedgie, said "I have just the thing!" and took a whole brand-new chocolate bar out of her bag, handed it to Hedgie, and just walked away without another word.
I swear it was magic.
How do you like this comment for a tangent?!
Tom: I love black licorice too. Good & Plenty, and also Licorice Allsorts. Not everyone does like it though. A friend of mine recently gave me some very peculiar, intense and salty black licorice from Sweden--I must admit that, although I have an adventurous palate, I could not eat more than a nibble or two.
Do you get the sneaking suspicion that I like candy?
"You know your gonna lose, cause gambling,s for fools, but that's the way I like it baby, I don't want to live forever......."
Ah, a woman after my own heart!!
it was oban here, sugar! ;~D xoxox
otin: I just love me some Lemmy. Maybe muttonchops will have to be fetishised soon...
savannah: yum.
Hi Leah,
I don't always drink bit when I do, I prefer Glen Livet.
The Good and Fiery remind me of Good and Plenty (just not as hot and fiery). My only vice is chocolat. Daphne hooked me up with Pierre Marcolini along with a few others I've added to my chocolate favorites list. I simply love Cafe Tasse bars
Category is Music: Anything by Bach
I must admit that I'm too laid back to be a metal-head but when I need pace I will occasionally venture down that path.
Now I'm hungry and thirsty for something warm and inviting.
I'm off now, you two have fun and stay thirsty my friend.
Glenlivet is especially good when shared in the company of interesting people. I'm sure the smokey flavours went down well between you both.
Perhaps a wee drap will spill from your gless this evening, and grace the pages as you begin to write?
I'm not familiar with Lucia di Lammermoor, so I just listened to Il Dolce Suono. Wonderful!
U: the caffe tasse bars sound like something I'd loooove! I'm going to look for one.
As for metal, well, I'm not much of a metalhead, but like you say, occasionally it suits the mood...
"stay thirsty!" is a wonderful toast/salute--I'm going to keep it in mind!
Jimmy: I'm starting to understand the appeal of a drink to help the writing along. It really does have a funny paradoxical effect with me, that while it loosens inhibitions, it also makes me feel more not less clearheaded. I guess it's all about control though--I won't let myself go past a certain point, but within that range it's just lovely.
I also find that I'm liking something stronger than wine these days...
Nick: I first heard "Lucia" live at the Met--and was totally blown away by Il Dolce Suono. I don't remember who the soprano was, but it was amazing, the interplay of voice and flute. Poor, poor Lucia.
A study found that “Good and Plenty” caused measurable increases in vaginal blood flow…key to sexual arousal!
Can the same be said of “Good and Fiery”?
Now that is eclectic.
ah, small pleasures to keep the day warm...
Bach! Yes! Extra points if it's a Glenn Gould recording. That wonderful freak.
MJ: that's an excellent link. Good and Plenty are licorice--the Good and Fierys are cinnamon. I wonder...
Travis: we are a family of dilletantes, potterers, jack-of-all-trades and Renaissance men, women, and children. We live for our eclecticism! lol
Brian: the scotch whisky really goes a long way to keeping things warm...and the cinnamon candy finishes the job!
UB: Yes, Glenn Gould. In fact, I have both his famous recordings, the earlier one that was more measured, and the later one that has the unusual phrasing. I can't decide which I like better, they're both wonderful. I love how you can hear his little hummings and sighings as he plays.
licorice, chocolate, music......
sounds wonderful
Fantastic! A couple of my personal favs...
Chopin - 'Raindrop' Prelude.
The Sex Pistols'- Pretty Vacant
Heating workes. Beer is cold.
No sleep 'til Hammersmith, yyeeeaaahhh
As you know, I like a good Brandy on occassion, I just love that warming feeling.
And I just LOVE licorice allsorts, ate a full bag a couple of nights ago! Can't stop once I've started!
Your weekend sounds lovely and relaxing!! Very nice. I had a margarita on the rocks with a salted rim. a lovely coffee at a newly discovered coffee shop.
Those Good and Fiery sound interesting. My choice is cognac and ginger ale with a dash of grenadine. It's punchy, tart, sweet and tasty!
Best wishes,
How about Storm the Palace by Catatonia and Tiptoe Through the Tulips?
Wot, now you're fetishising fetishising? How about fetishising the THOUGHT of fetishising?
Hot and sweet!Sounds delicious!;)
Kylie: I fell asleep with the box of Good and Fiery still clutched in my fist...
Hunter: I like your musical dyad!
mago: you are a wit!
map: seriously, licorice allsorts are pure magic. I always feel like a kid when I'm poking through them to find my favorites.
H40: or should I call you Eileen? I love that name. Liquor and coffee! Yes! My new lifestyle choice...
Skeeter: your drink sounds absolutely delicious. I have the gingerale, and the grenadine (believe it or not), but not the cognac, or I'd try it right now.
nick: now that cognitive dissonance is just plain hilarious! Last night my ipod segued from the Corrs to Ludacris. Jarring, to say the least.
I do believe I may already have fetishized fetishizing! I will have to give it some thought. : )
Candie: It is delicious. And I was just thinking that it might be nice melted in the bottom of a cup of scalding hot tea...or maybe that's too weird.
A cup of hot chocolate is also warming, as these days grow colder & darker. Another year over soon. Unbelievable.
Oh I tried a Hershy bar and it was yucky. tasted all chemically.
Cool Blog btw
Kate xxx
AD: hot chocolate is the drink of choice that we share with the little one! It is just as nice as the liquor, sometimes. And I know what you mean--I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around another year come and gone...
Kate: thanks for visiting! Hershey bars do taste a bit chemical-y, probably all the preservatives! I think those things, like Twinkies, could last a thousand years...and still be semi-edible-ish.
This has reminded me to buy a bottle of Port. Love it. Also hot and fiery.
Sounds like a great day: a tincture, a blast and thou.
Very nice!
Glad you took the time to reflect on the little pleasures from your day. We should all do this. I think we would be much happier. Never had Glenlivet but definitely interested in the Good and Fiery.
Ah, Fetishise with an S...
So terribly British...
SB: I like port too. Haven't had it in ages! Fiery is always good.
Pat: very pithily summarized my dear!
ID: it was, it really was.
Mister S: you really should try the candy, if you are a candy sort you won't be disappointed!
Karen: isn't that "s" for "z" spelling sexy?
Kat: never heard of the Islay Malt, I wonder if we have it here. Bach goes with everything, don't you think so?
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