I was thinking about what some people suggested--that the question "what makes a house a home?" from my previous post would make a good meme. In the spirit, I decided to create this related meme, A Favorite Corner in Your House, and pass it around a little, see if anyone would like to do it. I know I'm looking forward to that prurient glimpse into the private corners of other people's worlds...
So to get the ball rolling, here's a few pictures of one of my favorite places in my house: my dresser. The dresser belonged to a bedroom set of my grandparents. It is quite large, completely out of scale with our small bedroom (Sarge and I have a double bed--not even a queen size--which should tell you something. At least it's cozy!). Everything on the dresser is special to me: the dresser scarf, black silk and wool embroidered in great detail, given me by my mother; a special jewel box I bought for myself when I was still working, still had my own money!; my framed Tintin posters; a postcard of a turn-of-the-century photo of a medium doing her spooky business, from an exhibit at the Met that I loved; a photo of my grandpa Max with his camera equipment; a postcard of religious Yemenite women in full hijab and niqab, just to remind me of my own freedom; my perfume collection; the broken Lalique container jar; my grandmother's thread holder; her paperweights; and a little clay pot with a lid, made for me by Hedgehog in first grade.
I love the dark reds and the history and the personal references that feel so comfortable and remind me of who I am.
I won't tag anyone in particular, but please join me in this one if you like!
Here's what you do:
1. Tell me if you're going to do it, I'd love to check it out!
2. take a photo of a favorite place in your house, it can be just a corner or an object, something that you feel represents you or makes you feel happy or that you just like for whatever reason.
3. Post the pic, linking back to this link, on your blog.
4. Tell us something about the photo and the place/object.
5. Tag someone else specific if you like!
There. That should be vague enough.
A lovely corner. It looks very cosy and homely. I like looking at other people's little nooks and crannies too. Good idea for a meme but I'll wait till I've moved, as my favourite corner here will be dismantled and trundled across town next week!
OOps, Cece was first but I erased her comment to re-post, but here's her comment:
Cece said: "FIRST!!!! for a change. This is a good one. I'll have to try and post this, but not today. Be looking for it later in the week!"
Also, Walker said...
"I hate memes, but i turned my living room into a jungle oasis with enough light getting in so I could sit back to read in solitude even if someone else is around."
Cece--Thanks for being first! Hope you do this later on!
Walker--Too bad we can't see the Jungle Room!
Is that Eau de Old Knudsen?
Love your personal photos connecting you to your past. I will let you know when I post mine! Cute idea.
Perhaps we could develop with this further by posting pics of the contents of our fridge. Some of us will be shamed by this.
You put the mental into sentimental. I like yer stuff Old Knudsen, has kept things from other times as thinking about them connects him with history and past and those who used them in those times.
Much was lost in my numerous moves over the years.
I have a box with my da's glasses and pipe in it along with a few other things and I open it and smell the pipe and that is automatic time travel Eau de Older Knudsen.
lovely corner with so many totems to who you are and a shared history of those that have come before. interesting posters there. got a chuckle from the man and dog hiding from teh dragon.
OMG! This is a GREAT MEME! I am so doing this!!!
BTW, I love your corner. Can I come sit in it??
I love this meme and I love your corner! I'm definitely playing, my post will be up till this weekend!
Nick--oh yes! It's always sort of fun to put one's favorite spot back together again in a new location...
MJ--yes, but the Knudsen cologne is actually called Visqueux Liquide Blanc--a heady mixture of lilies of the valley and...something...
Ronda--I cannot wait to see you corner!!!
Emerson--yes! Fridge pics are awesome. I have to say, I wouldn't post a pic of mine until I'd done some styling!
Old K!--no question, I totally put the mental into sentimental! I shall take that as a compliment, warranted or not!
I have my dad's glasses too, but I get too teary to look at them very often, to be honest...I would have insisted on burying him in them, but he was cremated...
Brian--if you're not familiar with Tintin yet (the man with the dog), you must pronto get yourself The Secret of the Unicorn and Red Rackham's Treasure, just to begin with. Get a head start, in a few years your children will ADORE them too!
RC--I SO hope you do this one! And of course you can come sit, anytime!
Marianna--I'm so excited to see your post!
Oh, Leah, this is a GREAT idea. But what, I mean what, corner do I pick? ??? Must cogitate and expect it this weekend sometime!
p.s. That is a beautiful corner you got there.
Hi Megan! I'm psyched to see your corner, whichever corner you pick.
i read this the other day and thought what a cool idea it was. as i looked around, it dawned on me that i've been so busy just setting up the house that i haven't found that "me place" yet. *sigh* (i have to remind myself that it's been just a bit over 6 months.) xoxoxo
I'll give it a shot.
Hi Leah!This is really great!
have a nice day!
J'adore Tintin. Nice idea.
Was it "Billions of blastering bastards" or something the Captain Haddock always was swearing about? And there is/was an exhibition in Belgium about Herge.
I'll give that corner a thought, but it will take a little time, sorry. I'm kind a collecting myself together again.
savannah--I hadn't realized you'd moved that recently! You'll find your "me place" though, soon I'm sure.
just bob--go for it!
Candie--thanks! and you too!
Clever Pup--nice to meet a fellow Tintin fan!
mago--"billions of blue blistering barnacles" it is, although that's the English translation. I think it's something completely different in the original French.
I hope you do this--I'd love a peek at your special place!
mago--p.s. my husband says it was actually "mille sabords" (thousands of scuppers or gunports or something)
In German: "Hundertausend heulende Höllenhunde!"
Bing and I have a double bed as well and the first comment always said when someone walks into our bedroom is: "How the hell can you stand to sleep in such a small bed?"
We manage. It helps that we have a guest room for Bing to go to if I start snoring or for me to go to if her RLS kicks up.
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