Some might say I'm a glutton for punishment...some might say I'm an adventuress. Let's just split the difference and call me both.
My sis, Hedgehog, and I are going "abroad" in a few weeks on a road trip. It will culminate in Texas to visit some of the inlawish relatives, but the majority of the trip will be a drive through the deep South (Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and on the way back, Tennessee and Kentucky), stopping willy nilly, hither and yon, wherever the mood takes us within reason.
We'll stop at Stuckey's (do they still exist?), and see the giant peach and maybe Graceland and Fort Campbell, Kentucky, home of the 101st Airborne--Sarge was a Screaming Eagle, so I have an especial fondness. Plus, the Fort houses the 101st museum, with all the Hitler swag they grabbed from his Eagle's Nest (a sterling calling card bowl, among other oddities). I've been there once, but I'd love to show Hedgehog where her dad was for part of his army stint...
We have other desired stopping points, major and minor, but I am welcoming all suggestions for good places to check out between Brooklyn and Texas--if you've been somewhere cool, if you've heard of something odd or fun to look at or eat, let me know.
YAY First! Or is this wrong here?
To learn more about beautiful America I sometimes had a look at this site:
But I do not know whether they are still "in business".
I did not know that the 101 grabbed the Obersalzberg. I would very much like to see the museum. Please take some pictures. I saw the museum of the "Big Red One" while they were here, they had interesting objects from WWI. On the Obersalzberg for long years was an American officers mess. Now there is a hotel run by the Bavarian state to prevent neo nazi pilgrimage. But it is deep in the red numbers, very deep, and the state bank worries what to do with that object. It's a serious problem, in Nuernberg too, and at other places.
What car will you use? Another big fat V8? A '69 Chevrolet? Rent an E-class!
mago--no one ever said "first" here before! I'm so happy!
Thanks for the tip--I will go look and see.
And yes, I'll definitely post about it if we do go there.
Regarding Roadside America…
The FRANCONIAN beat me to it!
That’s what I was going to suggest you browse at your leisure because otherwise I have far too many suggestions.
The name of my fantasy football team is the Screaming Eagles.
Otherwise, I got nothin'. But I will cherchez mes relatives in the Carolinas and let you know!
LMAO on the 'is this wrong here' of Mago's.
And that's MY first LMAO, by the way.
I LOVE road trips! Haven't been on one in a while.... Hope you three have a wonderful time. Being able to just go exploring it the best!
Not much to add as I live in Canada, although I did a 2 year stint in McAllen, TX in the early/mid 90's.
I have never traveled that area so, sorry, no tips. But have a grand time with Hedgie.
My only knowledge of the States being NYC, Boston and Chicago, I can't give you any recommendations, but it sounds like a fabulous trip with lots to discover - and lots of blogging potential. Envious, moi?
fun fun...love a good road trip...
while swinging through VA - don't be enticed by Foamhenge - the life sized styrofoam replica of Stonehenge. while interesting, its well...foam.
When you make it to Louisiana, if you pass through Lafayette, Prejeans has the most amazing cajun food.
think you can still find a Stuckeys.
MJ--hahaha! The Franconian beat you to it! That is perfect. And yes, it was good advice. I've been perusing. Who knew there were so many horrors and wonders along the road (well, I suspected, but wasn't sure until now).
Megan--I know, mago has a truly funny deadpan.
First LMAO? This is a post of firsts, then.
We are going through the Carolinas on the way down, so poll away!
Ponita!--hello there! Yes, just winding our way and stopping at whatever looks interesting is our other tactic. I made this trip several times with my husband, but we were in a hurry, so we didn't stop very often.
I've actually been to McAllen!
Ronda--we will hopefully have a grand time! I'm looking forward to it...anyway, we have a few weeks to plan.
Nick--I'm definitely bringing my laptop and blogging from the road. I'm actually looking forward to that part of it, I must admit. A sort of webby "Scenes from along the Road."
Brian--thank you for the Prejean's tip! I will add it to my little notebook. I don't think I've ever had Cajun food, but I know my sis likes it...
But now that you've mentioned it, Foamhenge sounds suddenly appealing...but I promise we won't...lol
Yee Haw and Git along Lil' Doggies!
Yes, Stuckeys still do exist south of the Mason Dixon Line.
Be sure to try out some grits and peanut soup.
Awe what the heck...if you see some possum stew, try that too.
Have fun!
it y'all are going to the carolinas, then you must come to savannah on the way. i mean we are off I-95! xoxox
The deep South... now I'm chomping at the bit waiting for the photies of your road trip. It sounds like a fantastic experience hen, I'm envious indeed. Good for you.
Um, you'll forgive me if my knowledge of tourist opportunities on those parts is lacking. But have a great time and pictures of aforementioned road trip would be fab!
Wishing ye a grand trip.
Go n-eiri an bothar leat.
(May the road rise to meet you.)
Auntie--thanks! I've had and enjoyed grits, but never peanut soup--I will try if I run across any! the possum stew, well...
How exciting- your very own road movie. Just don't drive over any steep cliffs:)
savannah--ooh! you are? That would be so amazing. Sarge and I are looking over maps and figuring my route, so I'm not sure yet whether we're coming that way, and when, will check back!--
Jimmy--I am definitely going to post. I'm going to give Hedgehog a camera too and maybe she'll do a guest post! I'd be curious to see what interests her.
Mme--what, you don't know the American South inside and out?! lol...
map--I've always loved that saying--I'll have to get Sarge to give me the pronounciation!
PI--my sister and I definitely won't be recapitulating the Thelma and Louise denoument! More like Captain America and Billy...oops, no, they went down in a hail of bullets...okay, then, Britney Spears in "Crossroads"?
; )
meme @ Megan's = part 4 is up at my place...take it from there...
Leah I saw your lovely comment at Jimmy's and thought it might help
/my friend Naomi who has suffered a loss of a very dear friend. I tried to copy the comment and got the message:- 'Don't even f-----g think of it' which made me laugh.
I've given Naomi the URL so she can read it for herself if she wishes.
That Jimmy!
btw, did you get that email re: annie's genneral store? xoxo
Have fun!
"Texas: It's like a whole other country!"
Have a wonderful trip. I wish I could suggest a place but I am not familiar at all with that part of the country. I spent 13 weeks in Orlando, Florida for boot camp and I have never been further east than Illinois since then. However if I were you I would go to Chapel Hill, North Carolina. I only say that because I am a big Tar Heels fan.
Have a look into MJ's archives. She traveled the Nevada brothels once.
Ooooh I am so excited for you!..and can't wait to hear your posts from all these places I have never been to!
And Hedgie's 'guest' post- great idea.
All you need now is a couple of Harleys..
The outer banks of NC are wonderful. Asheville NC is a pretty neat town. Tunica, MS if you like to gamble. There is the Ripley's Aquarium in Mertyl Beach. And there's always me. I'm not in any of those states you have highlighted, but I am between Texass and New York.
Oh and if I might add, Charleston SC is a very quaint and historic town. It may be worth your while.
P.S. I love the Carolina's if I were to move anywhere, it would be there.
LOL, @ what Mike said. More like, "Texas... Its like a whole other planet"!!!
Have fun, beautiful. When do you leave?
Brian--thanks! will do.
PI--I like to pass that quote around-- it has really helped me immeasurably in some darker times...
savannah--I did, thanks! very cool shop.
Mike--oh yes it is, indeedy doo.
Mister S--wait were you in the Air Force? How did I miss that?
mago--I will definitely peek. And by the way, the Roadside America site is really great! Thanks again.
Cinnamon--I think that we don't pack light enough for Harleys, lol...
Cece--thanks for the tips! I would love the Ripley's Museum--I was soooo obsessed with that when I was a kid!
Karen--funny, right?
We're leaving the second week in July, so it's a while away. Just thought I'd start planning now!
Oh. Dear. Lord. Oh, by the way, #31!!! Mago's too funny!
A New Yorker in the South. That should work. Hedgie, look at me when I'm talking to you. Okay, if something happens to wise ass Mommy and Auntie, get in the car and drive directly back to Daddy. No, Aunt Suzy isn't kidding. Why? I'll tell you why young lady. Because the next thing you know you'll be smokin' Marlboros and holding the Confederate flag. Please baby, don't disgrace the North. Oh and what about college? What about your destiny? *Aunt Suzy throw arms in air and walks away.*
O. my god. Suzy, I think you just killed me. Can't. stopgiggling...
that was just too funny.
Yes take the story from there, but, um, re-take it. Check my place Friday for details. :)
Hi Leah,
Did you go to the Food Network website and see what places they recommend as to their diners and dives and drive in's for the eateries, These places will have the locals eating there and they could tell you what to see. But even on their website it might show some places to see. Plus you can go to each States websites and they have a section of sites to see in their state. Or try the new Bing.com search engine and see what it comes up with. Supposedly it works differently and will do a better job of finding what you want. Have fun, can't wait to see the posts, especially the ones from Hedgie.
God bless.
What a wonderful idea...I sure hope a stop in Philly on July 11th will be part of the package :)
thanks for share.great information.I like your blog.See you on my blog.
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