Water, is taught by thirst.
Land -- by the Oceans passed.
Transport -- by throe --
Peace -- by its battles told --
Love, by Memorial Mold --
Birds, by the Snow.
--Emily Dickinson
don't forget to carry a poem with you on Thursday, April 30th! And if you feel like it, stop back again and tell me which poem you carried, I'd love to know.
I love Emily Dickinson.
And I must have missed something, pocket poem Thursday?
I'll tape a poem to my hip flask so I don't forget.
It is my first visit to your site.
I love the photo on your blog. It is a great black and white shot.
I'll be sure to carry a poem in my pocket on Thursday. I like the idea.
I'll be back to visit again.
I will need a poem in my pocket to stay inspired as I cast my vote on that day! We're having elections on the 30th.
Wait, it's not Thursday yet!
But there's nothing wrong with some Emily when you feel like it...
She offered her honor,
He honored her offer,
and all through the night,
it was honor and offer.
You had me going for a moment there. I totally thought I forgot to get ready for TT. Oh, the adrenaline rush of thinking I have to complete a post in an hour.
I did not know of this Pocket Poem day. I would love to play. If I had a hip flask I would join MJ's team. Guess I'll just have to be ordinary and use the pocket-o.
I've been to NYC a couple of times but never heard of Poem in Your Pocket Day. A great idea. I think I'd probably have something by e e cummings. It reminds me of the Spanish custom of buying a book and giving someone a rose on St George's Day.
Happy early...Theme Thursday!
Hmmm a poem in my pocket. Which one could it be?
Peace and love
I dont really get poetry !
wow, you got out of the fate early on that one. nice poem. know it is poetry month, but poem in the pocket? intrigued, please enlighten...
I will admit that I am Dickinson-challenged. I will stop by the library this evening and pick up something to read by her.
I see Ms. Lady Deborah is in the house! I love her blog (From My Brown Eyed View).
So cool. Thanks for the head's up!
A beautiful poem. I love poetry, and have dabbled in it off and on throughout the years. Inspiration only seems to hit once in a decade, though...
I loved DCMCMLVII's poem, made me laugh.
It's Thursday already?
My pocket is full of pennies but I'll see if I could turn a few into quarters to make a little room for a few words.
I hate poetry
I'll carry a wee poem in my head rather than my pockets, which are usually full up with the haunds.
It'll be of the great Oscar Wilde..
Really nice water poem ;)
Brandy Rose--me too. You didn't really miss anything--but Thursday is National Poem in Your Pocket Day--my daughter's school turned me onto it. You just copy out a poem you like and keep it in your pocket and whip it out at odd moments during the day to share. At Hedgie's school last year, everyone had a poem, from the security guards to the maintenance men, lunch ladies, students, teachers...really cool.
MJ--An excellent place for a poem!
Ms. Lady Deborah!--nice to see you here--thanks for the comment. That photo is of a street in Brooklyn many decades ago--my grandpa took it.
I'm glad you'll be carrying a poem!
Devil--good idea to get inspired with a poem--you can choose something a propos!
Megan--I know, I cheated in a way, but I wanted to post early to spread the word about Poem in Your Pocket Day...
DCMCMLVII--that is the very best sort of poem!
Hope you're starting to feel better from your pandemic manflu--seriously.
Ronda--the panic! the panic! Theme Thursday has a certain panic-inducing element, doesn't it. It's fun, but oddly pressureful...
Come back and tell us what poem you chose if you have a chance!
nick--Poem in Your Pocket Day is actually national--I'm hoping to make it international! And I love e.e. cummings. Just recently posted about about "the boys i mean are not refined" (my fave of his) on my other blog...
Marianna--I hope you carry a poem tomorrow! Then we can get closer to the international PIYP Day dream!
Beast--don't worry, there's nothing really to get, I think poetry can be just to feel rather than to understand, and that's fine...just read MacLeish. Okay, I'm done with my annoying poetry lecture! I hope you don't hate me too much now...
Brian--check out this link to find out more details about P.I.Y.P. Day! Your whole family could do it!
U--you know, I really am Dickinson-challenged too...but every once in awhile one of her poems strikes a chord, like this one! And I will be sure to check out Ms. Lady Deborah pronto--
Merelyme!--so good to see you out and about, you baby-busy person you!
Karen--I love poetry too, and also write it myself but rarely share my own work...Hedgehog is so lucky--they have a poetry workshop at her school (my alma mater) from first grade on! She has the same poetry teacher that I had when I went there...it's a wonderful legacy...and yes, Donn's contribution was much appreciated by me too!
Walker--words, then, as you said, not poems ; )--
Jimmy--which one? Oscar Wilde is so great. And a poem in the head is certainly just as good as one in the pocket!
Candie--I love that one too!
Walker's pocket full of pennies?!!! I'm rolling on the floor. "Honey, I don't think those are pennies in your pocket."
I love this idea. I'll be back with mine. I have to think about this because I have so many favorites. Hummmmmmm. Okay. I'll be back.
Love you.
Oh, and I'll tape mine to my forehead! Who'll miss it?
Hi! Leah,
What a nice poem by Emily Dickinson
Leah said,..."And if you feel like it, stop back again and tell me which poem you carried, I'd love to know."Will do!
Thanks, for sharing!
Deedee ;-D
Nice poem, i didn't know this one. I like the first line.
Never heard of Poem in a Pocket Day.
I love the funny one - on 'er an off 'er but fancy Christina Georgina Rossetti today
'When I am Dead , My Dearest'
sing no sad songs for me...
It is Thursday here today and I woke to the the reciting of all the names of the gallant men who lost their lives in Iraq.
I always carry this poem.
My, oh my,
Out comes a sigh.
I am bored to tears,
But I live with my fears.
What do they expect?
Why can't I accept?
I have many a doubt,
Afraid to know what it's about.
I don't want my life to waste,
Dear God, give me a taste.
For I truly need to know
What only you can show.
For only through you can I endeavor,
To finally find my inner peace forever!
I have never hear of this Pocket Poem Day, but it is a most interesting concept.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
God bless.
I think I'll carry this one - I love it!
birds are taught by the snow? how? (sorry, we don't have snow here... :P)
I think I'll be lazy and carry one of my own.
here's to the mice, vachel lindsay
Is it Poem in Your Pocket Day? Okey doke, I guess I'll put Pablo Neruda's poem "Cuerpo de Mujer (Body of a Women)" in there, but is it ok if I just carry the book for right now? I don't feel like copying it out and I got go soon.
Lovely poem, thanks for sharing.
What a great poem and image. A poem in my pocket?! I'd better get busy!
Emily was a great poet and, I think, under-appreciated.
Emily Dickinson is one of my favs to sit down and enjoy on the weekends.
Thanks for sharing:)
i did have some poetry in my pocket today, but only by chance as i wrote it during a boring moment at work this morning. Great Theme Thursday post...
Dickinson's poem is just pocket-sized, isn't it? I like it.
As for me, I think I'll carry Czeslaw Milosz's "Song on the End of the World". If I print it really small, it'll be pocket-sized, too. ;>)
just lovely
and i posted a poem, without knowing about pocket poem thursday
Hi Leah!
Leah... head over to the Onion... it's Kylie's Birthday!
I can see that.
"The Pilgrim Soul" by William Butler Yeats.
I'm unable to post this on my blog because it's Kylie's birthday and I can't post this over that.
I thought long and hard about this. Baby, you know I'm not a writer, but love good writing. Love beautiful poetry. I really adore Yeats, E.D., etc., but I chose W.H. Auden. And the poem I selected is:
Time will say nothing but I told you so,
Time only knows the price we have to pay;
If I could tell you I would let you know.
If we should weep when clown put on their show,
If we should stumble when musicians play,
Time will say nothing but I told you so.
There are no fortunes to be told, althought,
Because I love you more than I can say.
If I could tell you I would let you know.
The winds must come from somewhere when they blow,
There must be reason why the leaves decay;
Time will say nothing but I told you so.
Perhaps the roses really want to grow,
The vision seriously intends to stay;
If I could tell you I would let you know.
Suppose the lions all get up and go,
And all the brooks and soldiers run away;
Will Time say nothing but I told you so?
If I could tell you I would let you know.
A woman after my own heart, I love that you posted an Emily Dickinson poem..I try to quote her as much as possible. You have a lovely blog, thank you for stopping by mine.
Wow that is a powerful sentence...water is taught by thirst! Hopefully the well never goes dry.
Leah said,..."And if you feel like it, stop back again and tell me which poem you carried, I'd love to know."
Hi! Leah,
I carried Robert Frost's poem The Road Not Taken with me yesterday.
Tks, for the reminder!
Deedee ;-D
Suzy--Auden rocks. I love his poem "Stop All the Clocks," especially. Your choice is lovely.
Books, Coffee--I'm so glad you carried your Frost poem! It's like having a sweet little secret, isn't it?
Dakota Bear--I agree that the first line packs a poetic wallop.
PI--another great choice--and how fitting to accompany in spirit the list of names.
Mrsupole--Is that yours? it's great. I especially like the idea of carrying a poem that references God--just to remind one of what's vitally important.
Kat--I love the idea of carrying a poem, or poems, in one's head--over the years, I've memorized shorter poems that I love, and can call up when necessary--which they sometimes are!
JGH--Yay, you're carrying Emily Dickinson (well, at this point, you carried,, as it's now May 1st)!
Wings--hi and thanks for visiting!
reyjr--we have snow here, and I still don't entirely understand that line...
Fox--I think carrying your own poem is far from lazy!
Savannah--awesome! And see, we both posted about Poem in Your Pocket Thursday! Great minds, my dear, great minds!
Cuppa Jo--that is very cool! No real rules to Poem in Your Pocket--just to carry a poem if you like. You know, I wasn't familiar with Neruda until my little girl brought home several of his poems from school this year. He's a wonderful poet, and I will check that poem.
tut-tut--hi! I hope you got to carry a poem!
Michael--I agree that she's underappreciated, mostly because she's sort of impenetrable (to me as well).
Debo Hobo--you're very welcome! Emily is totally rock n' roll, isn't she.
Tom--Another person carrying their own poetry, kudos to you!
Sandra Leigh--it is
Just Bob--Hi Bob!
Kris--Hi Kris!
Maria--I love love "The Pilgrim Soul"! Between that and "A Slipping-Down Life," you've got good taste, lady! But then again, you probably knew that...
Evening Light Writer--thanks so much for stopping here too! Your tag says it all--very lovely.
Colette Amelia--that line is so powerful; it always amazes me, the potency of Dickinson's work. Happy May First!
lovely poem and water post.
here's my pocket poem
A Walk
My eyes already touch the sunny hill.
going far ahead of the road I have begun.
So we are grasped by what we cannot grasp;
it has inner light, even from a distance-
and charges us, even if we do not reach it,
into something else, which, hardly sensing it,
we already are; a gesture waves us on answering our own wave...
but what we feel is the wind in our faces.
Rainer Maria Rilke (translated by Robert Bly)
Balls! I've missed poetry day by a day. I'm vexed.
I'm such a trogladite . .I really don't like poetry. What's wrong with me? Can I carry a limerick instead? Or a song lyric?
C.M. Jackson--the Rilke is gorgeous! Thanks so much for posting it here.
Emerson--no worries, every day can be poetry day!
Baino--limericks are certainly poetry!
Cece--haha, happy weekend!
how about
Water Water Everywhere
And not a drop to drink.
(no idea the author. it was in my head)
lovely poem
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