I love this award. Really, really love it. Cast my way by my friend
Karen (go check her out, she's sexy alright). You know how viral these awards are, and nothing is sexier than the Sexy Virus.
So, I claim it. But first, in keeping with The Rules, I have to tell five things about myself that make me sexy. You know I love to talk about myself, and I'm certainly not above throwing a compliment or two my own way, so...
1. I've got the cerebral/impetuous dichotomy down pat: I like to overthink, and I like to be in the moment. These seemingly contradictory characteristics are combustible.
2. I'm sensual: in the literal sense of the word "sensual." I love experiencing through the senses--taste, touch, smell.
3. I'm accepting: of all the many, many facets of human sexuality. Pretty much, you can't shock me. I've tried many things, enjoyed a lot of them, and am game. I think this informs who I am as a person, in other ways outside of the bedroom. You know the Smiths song "Ask"? Which goes "If there's something you'd like to try, ask me, I won't say no, how could I?" sums me up.
4. I have a sense of humor: about life, about people, and about sex. I can be serious, but too much sobriety can kill a buzz.
5. I'm imaginative: which I will leave with no further explanation.
I'm going to go out on a limb and tag these sexy bloggers with this award. If you're tagged and feel shy, well, just enjoy but don't feel obliged to spread the Sexy Virus any further. Just know I think you're sexy and so is your blog! I must add, though, thinking of the ways in which you're sexy is supremely good for the ego!
1. Savannah: She's sexy. In a well-bred, sweet, and sophisticated sort of a way. If you know her, you know exactly what I mean.
2. Emerson Marks: boyish in a good way, sporty, sexy, funny, and loves the sun. His blog will make you feel like you just got a dose of fresh outdoors. That's sexy.
3. Faycat: I love to bug my dear Faycat, and her food blog is downright sexy--the photos, the recipes, and Faycat herself.
4. Mago: the funny, brooding, intellectual Franconian with an incredible ability to navigate two languages--sexy.
5. Kylie: she is hysterically funny, womanly, and communicative. She is my very definition of sexy.
Special Mention, but Already Tagged: Jimmy Bastard. Jimmy and his blog and his hyperdrive brain and writing abilities are so freaking sexy that they need two of these. I ain't kidding.
Well, this was fun! Now back to being just a housewife...