I can't help it, I really like it here...
and besides, we had that indescribably delicious 70 degree sunshiny day, a gift in the middle of February...
Hedgehog, home on midwinter break from school, suggested we walk across the Brooklyn Bridge into Chinatown, which we did.
Hedgie and my sis, getting ready to climb the steps to the pedestrian path
At the Brooklyn foot of the bridge, looking toward the first arch

view of the Manhattan bridge right next door

at the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge, looking up at those lovely arches, suspended in lacy-looking cables. One of the most beautiful sights in NYC I think

sunlight on the East River
And in Chinatown, on Bayard Street, our favorite place for bubble tea
Homer guards the entrance, although we're not really sure why

Hedgie enjoys her strawberry drink

and next door, none of us can resist the strings of little stuffed charms--mushrooms, turtles, and unidentifiable "kawaii" creatures with smiley faces, a dollar apiece

around the corner, a little hole-in-the-wall with yummy, glutinous, slightly fermented sticky rice cakes

Arms full of delicacies and gee-gaws, we make our way through the warreny streets of Chinatown and the court buildings, back across the bridge, and home again
Thanks for sharing. It looks like a darned good day! Out of curiosity, how long does it take to walk across the bridge?
You got some really awesome pics of the bridge.
Megan--it doesn't actually take that long--I looked it up, and the bridge is a little over a mile across, so it just depends upon how much we're lollygagging as we go.
BR--thanks! I like taking those crazy-angle-looking-up ones of things.
Absolutely Gorgeous!!!
I'm so homesick. I could cry, I really could. Thanks for this, Leah!
And Hedgie is drop dead gorgeous!!!
That's quite a walk from the bridge to Chinatown. Beautiful snaps, especially of Hedgie enjoying her strawberry drink. Those sticky rice cakes sound yummy too, were they filled with anything?
i loved the pic of hedgie. beautifully done. the bridge is gorgeous and NYC becomes more enticing the more i read your blog.
what a good day. wish i was there
Are you trying to make me even MORE homesick for the east than I already am with your blatant posting of the Brooklyn Bridge?
I'm going mental!
Bridges are so very cool. Few things more breathtaking than the walk across the Golden Gate.
Thanks for you east coast version!
Hi baby. Wow. GREAT post. Like so many others, I'm homesick. A lump formed in my throat so big I started to cry. Seriously. What a beautiful day. Especially the sun over the East River. Beautiful idea. Yikes. It felt like I was there.
Your photos of the bridges are GORGEOUS!!! Absolutely gorgeous. Inform Heggie that the arches on the Brooklyn Bridge are held in place by a "keystone." A keystone is set at the top of an arch (visible in your photos). Structurally and arch can't support itself without one.
China Town. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE San Francisco's. I haven't been to NY's, but I'm sure it's equally fabulous! When I used to eat meat, I loved pork buns. But only port buns from one hole in the wall in China Town. I also love won ton soup. But only made by a certain resturant in China Town. Nothing else compares. NOTHING!!! No, I'm not kidding!
Oh, and those little stuffed "kawaii" creatures?! I want the strawberries and the pink octopus!!! Too adorable.
And Heggie. What a little cutie-pie, as always. Hey honey...how'd she get that hair!!!??? Apparently you weren't in charge the day the sperm met the egg. Where you busy knitting? (You little multi-tasker you!)
I love you dear and thanks for sharing your day with us. It really felt as if I was walking right beside the three of you. Amazing.
P.S. One more thing before I make my grand exit. The comments are lovely. Do we have great friends, or what!?
Sounds like a great day out with the weans, hen. It just goes to show that the best things in life don't neccesarily have to break the bank.
I'm getting that chilled out feeling again...
Bridges are amazing - all those cables, quite mind-blowing how they stay up. Good to see pics of yout city :)
Bubble tea- never heard of it! Is it like a 'slush puppy'?
Hi Leah!
Next time you go on an outing, I want to go too! Pllleeease!!!
You know, I love visiting NYC, but I just never can understand why people want to LIVE there. Clearly I'm missing something.
It does look like a beautiful day and there is no place more beautiful than home.
Effortlessly Average--I get asked that question a lot: why live in NYC? It's hard to explain, if you didn't grow up here. Sure, it's noisy, crowded, brutish, overpriced, and haughty. But I remain convinced that it's the best place in the world for a child and adolescent of reasonable means.
For a child, it's vibrant and exciting, and for an adolescent it offers limitless stimulations without the drunk driving risk, as long as you have relatively permissive parents (as I did). There are the obvious things--all the museums and parks at your disposal, the subway that goes everywhere for two bucks, the exposure to every race, culture, ethnicity, and all the foods and festivals that go with--we can take it for granted that Hedgie is both a child and an adventurous woman of the world at the tender age of 8. As an adolescent, you're never dangerously bored, the boredom that leads to bad behavior. Which is sort of a paradox, but it was true for me.
And besides all that, it's a little-known fact about NY that each neighborhood is like its own small town, with neighbors who know each other, little shops and benches and a feeling of place that's quite comfortable.
There you have it; my plug for NYC. All that said, however, if I hadn't grown up here, I probably wouldn't want to live here.
Karen--I'm sorry I made you homesick!
Thanks for the Hedgie compliment. I think she is too. And besides that, she has amazing posture and a special grace and poise that is uncanny. She's a grand kid.
Idle Devil-it was a hike. We figured it was nearly 6 miles all told.
The sticky rice cakes were plain--delicious and just mildly sweet.
Kylie--I'm glad you're enjoying the tours; I was worried they were getting boring.
MJ--don't go spare! You'll be back where you belong soon, sweetie!
Bob--I love the walk across the Golden Gate.
Suzy--I told Hedgie about the keystone; she's always interested in things like that.
And pork buns are sublime, especially when they're fresh and soft and steamy...of course, I'm not supposed to be eating them either--treyf, you know!
Jimmy dear--it was a great day, and truly didn't cost more than a few dollars all told. I'm glad you can chill out over here.
Cinnamon--bubble tea is this really weird, awesome drink with huge tapioca bubbles at the bottom--check out the link in the body of the post and you can read all about the wacky world of bubble teas!
RC--I'll be sure to tell you before our next jaunt!
Walker--you're so wise and right.
what a day! i love your pictures. as many times as i've been in the city, i've never done the bridge walk over..thanks, sugar! next time i know what i'll be doing first! ;) xoxo
What a great tour. I love the photos and your take on the experience (as always).
Savannah--it's true, that bridge walk is an absolute must--and if you walk from the Manhattan side, it takes you right into historic Brooklyn Heights, and you can check out the Middle Eastern section and eat some tasty food.
I love these kinda of posts. I've never been to NY or the eastern part of the US. If you're looking for post ideas...I'd love to know what you would recommend seeing if I only had one day spend in NY.
Hi honey. Just stopping by.
Thanks for the reply. Glad Hegie enjoyed the education. Love you dear. What a beautiful comment page.
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