Monday, August 11, 2008

DMV: Worst Post Ever

I'm blogging from the County DMV, yes indeed. It's a regular thrill ride. Hedgie's eating cheez-its, cause that's just the kind of mother I am. We're number 30 and they're up to 19. Sissy peruses the driver's manual. There's a giant license plate on the wall, like an item from that store of yore, Think Big. Remember the giant pencils?

You can't smoke in here, but you can eat Ruffles and drink Coke, so that's something. You have the right to vote and you should drive carefully when school's open. I think that means that you can drive recklessly at all other times.

Signing out,

Yours in mindless errand,



  1. we also have the right to bear arms.... hmmm....

  2. Cheez-its?

    He's getting his dairy for the day, then.

  3. Hi guys...I ALWAYS think about our right to bear arms when I'm in the DMV!!! Especially the Brooklyn DMV. I once waited three hours in that place.

    MJ--actually he's a she. And yup, that was the daily dairy. Oh, no, i forgot the morning Hershey bar...guess that has dairy too...

  4. Oh bloody H**l...there is no way I would sit through that! Our DMV here just let all their partimers and extra help go...yep the ol heave oh! thanks to our Governor! Everyone got a lovely pink note (slip)! So the length of time wasted at DMV just tripled here in Sactown! UUUGhghh!

  5. Is SIssy getting her license? As the late driver (well not for Brooklyn but for everywhere else I've been from) that I was, I commend her! Or are you all just there for some less momentous renewal?... XO Allison

  6. Hi Leah!

    Hope you didn't have to wait too long! It always seems to go slower when you have a number in your hand - and then the number before you always seems to take ages!

    Peter x

  7. The DMV is one of the worst expereinces known to human beings.

  8. if the DMV is what i think it is called the RTA (roads & traffic authority) in new south wales and it's just as hellish.
    hi leah!

  9. G'day Leah,

    Fancy visiting Centrelink or Medicare here in Oz? Now there's an experience NOT.

    Like kylie said if DMV is what I think it is it would be VicRoads, here.

  10. Robyn, I live in Sacramento County. As you're probably aware the State Budget hasn't passed yet, so the "GOV" in all his stupidity has done what GOV's do. Stupid stuff. The DMV has been forced into extra stupid land with pay cuts, layoffs, bad attitudes, etc., so the lines are long, the waits are insane (way beyond 3 hours) and the doors close extra early with lines still out the door. I'm not even going there and my liscense expired on 08-08-08 (my beautiful birthday)! Why? Because why waste my time. When I'm pulled over it'll probably be 2009, the budget crisis will be over and it's a fix it ticket. An hour at most. Some of us have to think outside the box.


    P.S. So did Hedgie get her "complete" dairy and you the little pastic thingie with your future prison photo?!

