Thursday, August 14, 2008

Just Going Along

I usually like to write with an idea in mind, but I'm completely spent. Not in a bad way, mind you, more in an August sort of way. Summer is on the wane already, here in the Adirondacks, and the trees are beginning to lose their lush fulness, some of them even getting a hint of pale orange around the top edges...the nights and mornings are chilly, and I wake up with the dog cuddled so hard against me that I'm almost off the bed...

In past years, this change of season was worrying to me--I'd be dreading the coming year--not so this time around. For the first time in forever, I'm actually excited to begin a new year. Hedgie will be back for second grade at a school she loves, busy with karate and friendships and she'll be starting cello lessons--the students are required to begin a classical instrument by third grade, and we decided cello would round out our family band nicely (I'm only partly kidding there). I think I'll enjoy the squeezy grindings of a beginner string player; there's something funny and hopeful about that.

I'm looking forward to autumn in Brooklyn--the dry dusty leaves rattling in the gutters, sweaters and new mary janes and the High Holy Days, and soups cooking again--I've not cooked up our favorite Senate Bean Soup in months and months. Even an occasional snifflng cold will be okay. And then, maybe, if all goes well, another little one will make its way into our family...

So I'm trying for now to embrace a perhaps ephemeral feeling of peace that's come over me--relative peace, in my case; I won't ever be free of my anxieties completely, but I'm really, really trying not to let them rule me. I thought I'd just sit and jot this feeling down so that I can come back and remind myself, if necessary...


  1. Leah - that's lovely. LOOK! Sarcastic me actually wrote something nice....and meant it! I love fall but unfortunately it takes a little longer to reach us and ends far too quickly. Enjoy it.

    p.s. cello is one of my VERY favorite instruments.

  2. Leah,
    I am also feeling those "August Days", chilly mornings, days getting starting, the list goes on.

    I'm glad you are having a sense of peace at this time. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

    Autumn in Brooklyn sounds wonderful, New York City is on my List of 50.


  3. yeah, east coast falls are bitchin!!! it is one this i do miss about new england, the changing of the seasons...

  4. Hi QG! Sometimes fall doesn't actually come to goes straight from broiling summer to winter...and I love cello too--some of the best pieces of all time have been written for cello, don't you think?

    Gig--thanks! I hope you do make it to NYC sometime soon--and I do recommend coming in either autumn or spring...spring in NYC is glorious. Well, actually, the holiday season is fun too...hee hee...when you do come, make sure to let me know and I'll take you out for lunch if you have time!

    Hey Murali, it is exciting, isn't it?

    IV--I love the seasons' changes as well. Even if you're bummed out during the last season, you can always feel hopeful at the first sign of the new one!!!

  5. Just one of the many reasons I'm moving back east...


  6. Leah!
    What a fantastic post...I can feel the chill in the air, friend! And I too, am excited for Hedgie to start up soon and with the new thrill of the cello!
    And did I just read what I just read...trying for a second *clapping hands in glee*! I am thrilled for you both and good luck! Can't wait...we will have a cyper fun will that be! Keep me posted!
    Love ya!

  7. I enjoyed all the descriptive words you used. I could just close my eyes and picture dusty leaves ruffling in the gutters. Like QG, we get fall much later. And sometimes it goes straight from fall to spring with us. And hopes of welcoming another little one into the family? Is that a hint? Good luck with that.

  8. My dear, dear friend. Never boring. Never. Thanks for the comment on my blog.

    Autumn, string instruments and the dog days of summer. I was at the market today thinking "Wow, it's almost Christmas." Funny, but true because it's way, way, way over 100 degrees and winter is a stretch. But that's how I think. And Hedgie and her cello. My niece, like you, took up the violin as you know. I'll post her photo when I have time with the "purple" one she got on her 16th birthday. Too funny! It's all she asked for. And like you anticipate with Hedgie, the squeeky noise that comes out initially, is missed years later. She used to play Vavaldi and Handel for me over the phone and did quite well until she missed something!!! Yikes that hurt Aunt Suzy's ears! I'd say, "Honey, how's Anokie (the dog)?" And she's reply, "Oh she's still right here, she loves the violin." There are studies that suggest that dogs have a very difficult time with the sound of the violin! Obviously Anokie loves my niece!!! That always gives me a chuckle. She's improved and was part of the Jazz Ensemble and Orchestra. She actually thrived playing the violin. Isn't it amazing what music/arts can do for kids.

    This is such a beautiful post and I'm so glad you shared it with us. Like IV, who has lived in New England, I cherish and miss Autumn and Winter. I miss the scent and the color. If the real estate market ever recovers, I'm moving back. You know that.

    And one more thing. Isn't it amazing how the post you think so unimportant generates the most attention? Well, it's not like your sex posts, but it'll do on a cold New York winter!!! Look, even Queen Goob settled in with some nice tea, a scone and a little bit of nice. And all our dear friends are here. What a nice way to start a weekend.

    Love you to bits,
    Suze XO

  9. Hey Leah,

    Two words to describe your Post -
    evocative and wistful.
    Wonderful to read that Hedgie is embracing life full on and is going to learn the cello. It reminds me so much of when Miss Kookaburra was about the age Hedgie probably is now, which i'm guessing is nine or ten? BTW Miss Kookaburra (Helen) is now fifteen and went to her first formal last night at her high school. They grow up so fast, don't they?
    Have a beautiful weekend.


  10. hi leah,
    the sentence that jumped at me was the one about the little one. i cant imagine having babies ten years after my last but i think i will always be a little bit sad that my childbearing days went by so fast and are so long gone.
    more power to you!
    have a lovely weekend

  11. I love the autumn, actually. Summer has been hot...I don't love that for sure.

    And, I love the cello. I myself was an oboe player.

  12. Come and read all about PART II of mystery trip! And there will be a PART III as well (our eating pleasure)! LOL! Thanks for stopping by! It was lovely to see you there!

  13. Babe. Party at the Wild Onion, so get your lazy ass off that Adirondack chair and mozy on over for drinks, cupcakes and some fine entertainment. Hedgie can come. Children are invited.


  14. Leah, what a divine post. We actually never have real Autumn here, so I live vicariously through all of you that do. Perhaps I need to add a visit to the East Coast on my fifty list. I am looking forward to more posts of cello lessons.
