Thursday, May 23, 2013


Is he charming? Or does he make my insides go squinky when I imagine his unblinking HumptyDumpty-ness grinning at me from the underside of the bed? It's a tough call.

My mother's adored doll, 64 years old.


Anonymous said...

1949, probably made from Celluloid?

This "Humpty-Dumpty-"-figure is totally unknown to me; I have no "idea" or connection to this figuration.
All I know is that this specimen would make me feel nervous; can't say why; something is "too much" ... sorry for being cryptic.

mapstew said...

I know this face. :¬)


Leah said...

mago, yes! he makes me feel very nervous as well...

Leah said...

Uh do?


nick said...

I guess one reason for my own discomfort is the very distorted dimensions - the huge head and the tiny body.

muralimanohar said...


Leah said...

Yes, I think that's the problem with is curious to me that whoever designed him, so long ago, did so with the aim of appealing to a child. And in fact, my mom says she found him charming, and now my 2-year-old niece loves him!

Leah said...

Murali: very...

Unknown said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.