Monday, August 29, 2011


A tree spear came down from the stormy sky and skewered the roof of our little guest cabin, pierced right through and through, driven by force all the way down to the floor inside.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Brian Miller said...

well i bet that was certainly exciting...

Queen Goob said...

With all of those trees around it could have been so much worse. Glad you're all safe.

Ponita in Real Life said...

Yikes! I hope you weren't in it at the time... or at least, not right where it came through. Everyone is okay??

Baino said...

Whoa . . .would have been a shock to the system. Frankly I half wish a tree would fall on my roof, I could do with the insurance repairs and a new paint job. I wonder if it falls on the car do I get a new car . . now there's a thought.

The Unbearable Banishment said...

Awful stuff. But thank God nobody was hurt!

savannah said...

yikes!! glad no one was hurt, sugar! xoxo

Megan Elias said...

er, so should I cancel my plans to visit this weekend? (ha ha)

kylie said...

scary stuff!

Pat said...

That looks so lethal. So glad no-one was hurt.

The Mistress said...

Cabin kebab!

Anonymous said...

Now and then people are hit by falling parts of trees. Its deadly. I am glad to learn that none of yours was hit. Do me a favour, and keep surviving, will yah.

Yarny Days said...

Oh, that sucks. Sorry--but I hope everything else is ok...

Tracey said...

Crikey! If you have posted a picture, I can assume that you are sound of body. I hope the same can be said of all near and dear to you.

Megan said...

You know you've always wanted to get behind the wheel of a chainsaw. Don't deny it.


Leah said...

Megan E, LOL

Meg C, YES!!!

p.s. everyone is okey-dokey!