Thursday, December 23, 2010

I know it is so wrong to post this but I can't help myself and besides I'm Jewish, right? so it doesn't really matter anyway...

My annual Krampus post.

Not that I don't want you to celebrate Christmas with great joy, if you do celebrate, and enjoy the heck out of the sweet warm smell of cookies baking and watch the little gleam in your loved one's eyes from the reflected light of your fragrant tree...and revel in the bittersweet holy music of midnight mass...and hold your children close...I mean all that, my friends


the short cold days and long, cold, dark nights send me to a wrong place, where I think a little too long and hard on fetishes and bad behavior and the strange cruelties people act out on each other, sometimes in meanness and sometimes in delight--how my pain is his pleasure, and my pleasure is his pain--understand now that I mean "he" in a general sense, but I didn't need to tell you that did I?--how sometimes the joke that seems so wrong to one person is the funniest thing in the world to another--how my absolutist tendencies break down during the Solstice, to make room for dreadful imaginings that I admit to liking.

I'm only a little odd really. Whether it's swaddled and smothered and repressed in a cozy psychic sweater, or whether we take it out and examine it from time to time, the darkness is alive in us all I think.


Baino said...

Haha frankly I love it. The Devil made me do it! Awesome. Let's face it, everyone knows Jesus was born in September anyway. Live on the Pagan tradition I say. Eat, drink and be merry! Have a good one.

LẌ said...

Happy Whatever-You-Celebrate-Around-The-December-Solstice-Time!

Snowbrush said...

I'm lost on the meaning of the last two, but I sure like the first ones.

Brandy Wilcoxen said...

Aw, I love your annual Krampus posts :D

savannah said...

december 25? means MY birthday is in just around the corner december 31!, oh yeah, baby! good times, good times! xoxoxoxox

(yes, it's true, for those who do not know me, i am from one of the other non celebrating groups.)

(i do love the parties, i have to admit. and the decorations are really lovely!)

JeffScape said...

Hah! I'm unfamiliar with...

That will change shortly.

Happy Saturnalia!

Brian Miller said...

i guess we can all be odd together then...

Everyday Goddess said...

we are all more alike than we care to admit.

Pearl said...

Absolutely. Human beings have crazy imagination and sometimes more energy than compassion.

I've never seen those postcards or posters or whatever those were and was riveted. Fascinating.


kylie said...

theres plenty of darkness in me!!

can i wish you a cranky krampus?


Irish Gumbo said...

I dig it. I especially like that second image, quite fascinating.

And the darkness is alive in us, this I know well, and we would do well to respect that :)

Princess said...

I Like Wicked...

nick said...

Indeed, the darkness is alive in all of us. We all have strange fantasies and tastes in the privacy of our own active imaginations. Certainly some startling images there. The little girl in chains is pretty wacky. I guess we all have an internal devil playing havoc with our obligation to be "normal". But wouldn't non-stop normality be suffocating?

Happy Christmas, Leah. Have a good one.

Suzanne said...

Why do you get so pissed if my Christmas card is late? Okay, let me rephrase that, my Jewish card is late.

Ms Scarlet said...

Happy Odd Day!!!
And Happy Holidays, Leah.

Pat said...

If you are unhappy, sad and lonely Christmas is the cruellest time.
Have a happy holiday with some peace and joy.

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays, dear Leah.

Krampus, who'd thought ...

The Unbearable Banishment said...

Those cards are fantastic! Where did you find them? It's a thin line between pleasure and pain, that's for sure.

Happy holidays, Leah.

Betsy Brock said...

I've never heard of this! What disturbing vintage postcards! Yikes!

Actually, I was hoping for some Hanukkah posts and a picture of your menorah this month! Oh well, maybe next time? haha

I wish you true happiness, Leah! xo

The Mistress said...

If posting this is wrong, I don't want you to be right.

Happy holidaze, Miss Leah.

Leah said...

I hope that all of you who celebrate are having a happy, warm, and Krampus-free Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Did you built a snowman?