My friend Murali, at Miscellany of Me (an aesthetically beautiful blog that is just so inspiring) has asked me to come up with 10 things I like. Simple enough, no?
1. My new blonde hair, which makes me feel sneaky, like I'm dissembling to the world. But I realized I'm just far too real a person, and I have to strive to be more false.

Frowny blonde me
2. The sight of Hedgehog, swimming in the lake, wearing homemade crowns and bracelets of watery lake ferns.
3. The prick of tears in my eyes
4. When my sister and I are chatting and we realize we sound like a scene from a Woody Allen movie.
5. When Sarge embraces me and kisses me and then Hedgehog and Remus both try to force their way in.
6. rescue dogs
7. stargazing
8. dirty jokes
9. Cannabis Rose perfume
10. ice in bed on a hot summer night
and p.s. I am sorrier than sorry that I cannot easily get out and about to visit many of you--the internet connection in the North Country really is infernally touch and go...
I am mesmerized by your new look --love it and the overview of your likes--enjoy the country--c
Ice in bed on a hot summer night? Sounds a bit soggy.
We're all dissembling to the world. Though the truth has a way of forcing itself to the surface anyhow....
'But I realized I'm just far too real a person, and I have to strive to be more false.'
Leah I'm sure you don't mean that you believe that old chestnut that all blondes are false. You are far too smart for that.
enjoy yourself out there...canabis rose...hmm...
My daughter and I have those same Woody Allen movie conversations! Love your fab new hair.
"To be more false". Simulatio et dissimulatio as behaviour, you could have a look at Il principe: Back to Baroque! And I think the colour of hair would fit in too!
The lady, she frowns not, merely her intelligence yielding a fitting compromise with such new blonde graceful beauty.
Well, that is better than talking to your sister and suddenly realize you sound like your mother and her sister. Or maybe not.
I hope you are enjoying your summer, but do come back. I don't give hoot if you can read my blog, but I miss talking about yours.
A few summers ago we saw Lyle Lovett open for Bonnie Raitt at the Garden State Arts Center, which is an outdoor venue. It was a lovely night.
Here's a dirty joke for you. I've posted this in the past so you may already know it.
A man wearing a ski mask walks into a sperm bank. He pulls out a gun. The woman behind the counter says, "Sir! This is not a regular bank! This is a sperm bank!" The man wearing the mask says, "I know! Pick up that bottle!" She picks it up. "Now, take the top off and drink it!" She does so. The man takes off his mask. It's her husband! He says, "See? It's not so bad."
Turn that frown upside down!
(Sorry, couldn't resist that one.)
i like dirty jokes, too
Ice in to ponder that one...I have some images already...
LOVE the rest of the list! The new you is divine! Go forth and enjoy and wipe that frown off your face!
C: thank you! And the country really is lovely now.
Nick: not soggy if it's hot enough, strangely...
Pat: oh no, by false I really do mean false--that is, peroxide or bleach blonde. I suppose raven, mink, and carrot-tops have just as much chance of ditziness as natural blondes! And blondes have just as much chance of genius as the rest.
: )
Brian: Cannabis Rose by Fresh is really a strange, haunting sort of scent...and yes, all the notes are there...
willow: those conversations are fun to hear and to have, aren't they?
mago: I will have to investigate!
Warden: ah, dear honey-tongued Warden...
Tracey: what you speak of happens all the time too! So funny...
UB: that must have been a good night. They are both great.
Thanks for the dirty joke! Excellent.
: D
there. I did it. ; )
Kylie: I know you do. All true ladies do.
Lisa: ponder away! Perhaps you'll get some good ideas? Especially in this heat wave you're having? : )
Oh I wandered over here from Sepia Sat posts; funny thing is just this week I went to get blonder too as all my dark was growing out; some get grey and silver with age and I just get darker so have to pay the hair dresser routine visits. Interesting on Kat and her new book too.
Speaking of "out and about", I just had to re-link ( along with a few others ). Still having blogger issues. Sorry I've not been round much of late!
Great new look but then again, so was the old one, wot?
And :)
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