I can't get enough of Remus' flappy wrinkly dewlap and flews. I am thinking of buying those soft soft delectable wrinkles some flowers, and taking them out for a nice Italian meal, that's how much I love them.
Hi Jeannette! My doctorate is in sociology (criminal justice), but alas I have stalled out on the dissertation! I hope to return to it this summer, after pleading my way back...
Dewlap and flews. I love it. I love how they flap in the wind when they are in the car sticking their head out the window.
Remus is beautiful. He will be a good and faithful dog once he gets over his retardation (the under 2 age) and he will boost your self esteem every day. That is why I got another dog. I needed more self esteem.
Karen: he is such a goofy ass!!! But I do love him, and I know you're right that he'll be so good when he matures (he is good more than half the time already...and I agree with you about the self-esteem boost!
Megan: you're so totally right; I got carried away, but I'd rather have the Italian dinner with you than the flews and dewlaps. I'll bring you the flowers instead! ; )
Like velvet.
You are making me broody for a puppy.
Adorable. If my wife were to see this, she'd coo for hours.
Aww. I miss my Ralphy's soft wrinkly flops! You take me dangerously close to puppydom.
Nice hair color too!
ha, love it. doggy wrinkles are the best....
Ronald Regan had those but he wasn't quite so lovable.
There sticks a mole-foot out of the side of your dogs mouth?
Scarlet: they are SUCH a pain in the ass!!! But it's true, his head is so velvety...
Hunter: uh oh, better not show her...
Willow: flops! That's exactly it. I guess when he grows into his skin a little, it won't be so flopsy.
xl: he's a lovely redbone!
Brian: I definitely appreciate his more than mine...
UB: ...although Reagan was perpetually a thousand years old, too...
mago: thank you for making me laugh out loud. It looks that way, doesn't it?
I've seen the future! It's back to the gym for me!! :¬)
Oh Stew!
Maybe if you can grow a velvety coat it would make things better.
: D
Your profile says you're trying to write you doc. dissertation...I did that beast too:) (psychology ... what is your doctorate in?
*sigh* i still can't believe his name is remus and not crockett! ;~D xoxoxox
(btw, yes, he is adorable and i do like his name!)
Just like my Jersey. She still has a velvety coat.
I've got total Remus envy.
I saw my dog slurp a mole lickety split...and there were feet sticking out.
awww, what a lovebug! so sweet!
Now those are some wrinkles I could love!
:) :)
The Ronald Reagan comment cracked me up! I think that I am getting a few of them too! LMAO!
What an adorable picture! Irresistable! :)
what a beautiful boy...he will grow into those wrinkles...lotsa love to go around...
Awww :) Remus is an awesome name for man's best friend :)
Such a bud.
I think he needs his chin scratched.
Does Romulus have gewrinclod's too?
Awwww so cute!
The picture just makes me want to scratch him under his chin. He is such a cutie and I can see that he does need a few Italian meatballs.
How could you not want to give him a lot of great snacks.
God bless.
All those folds look lovely and comfy, like an extra-thick pillow. Perhaps I could grow a few myself if I try really hard.
Heh, heh! Nice shot! I also like the ever-wrinkled brows of Boxers. Okay, I like Boxers anyhow, but that's a different story for a different day.
He is quite the beautiful boy Leah,
I'm almost... getting clucky.
We all know about you and jowls.
How sweet. There's nothing any cuter than puppy wrinkles.
He is incredibly cute. I just want to gaze at those floppy ears for ever.
If you are a dog you can have wrinkles and floppy ears as you like. And nobody will be annoyed when you sleep through the day.
I got the wrong body.
That's puppy wrinkle love! -J
great shot Leah! and he's not even a shar pei (I have no idea how to spell it but I'd know it if I saw it)
Hi Jeannette! My doctorate is in sociology (criminal justice), but alas I have stalled out on the dissertation! I hope to return to it this summer, after pleading my way back...
Savannah: I know, and these days he's actually seeming more like a Crockett! : )
Hazel: the funny thing is that Remus' coat is actually kind of rough, but from the neck up he's like silk velvet!
Ronda: I bet Remus would LOVE to hunt a mole if he could--he tries for the squirrels, but never gets 'em.
dewlap and flews..oh ha...well, my puppy is just fluff and sometimes crusty fluff, depending on where he's been sticking his snout...too cute!
MJ: old man jowls for all my boudoir needs, puppy jowls for the cuteness.
: )
(OK, major fat finger syndrome there. Let's try again!)
Bet those soft furry wrinkles get plenty of petting! Lovely TT.
flews is a good word
I like dog wrinkles too, but not if they are too drooley
Totally with you and the beauty of the labradory types of breeds is their rolls and folds stay around long after they're puppies.Gorgeous pooch.
Dewlap and flews. I love it. I love how they flap in the wind when they are in the car sticking their head out the window.
Remus is beautiful. He will be a good and faithful dog once he gets over his retardation (the under 2 age) and he will boost your self esteem every day. That is why I got another dog. I needed more self esteem.
No offense to the dewlaps, but I think you'd have more fun taking me out. I'm just saying. :)
Karen: he is such a goofy ass!!! But I do love him, and I know you're right that he'll be so good when he matures (he is good more than half the time already...and I agree with you about the self-esteem boost!
Megan: you're so totally right; I got carried away, but I'd rather have the Italian dinner with you than the flews and dewlaps. I'll bring you the flowers instead! ; )
So glad you found yourself another doggie.
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