Thursday, January 28, 2010

Riddle of an Oyster

Riddle of an Oyster

Silver as a seashell,
Round as the moon,
My outsides unassuming
but inside a craggy room.
That's where my beauty is, my beauty untold,
and what my insides hold.

by Hedgehog


Tina said...

That's a really lovely poem, beautiful on lots of levels.

Leah said...

Tina, I love it too. It's one of my favorite of her poems. She loves riddles--I think that comes from reading Tolkien.

Martin said...

Just my kind of thing. Simply beautiful.

Tracey said...

Bravo, Hedgie!!!!

Ronda Laveen said...

Oh, she is of your loins!

Merely Me said...

I feel this one - phenom!

Brian Miller said...

beautiful...way to go hedgie!

Hunter said...

I really enjoyed that. Hedgie is very talented.

mapstew said...

I can see ye beam from here!

Ye are doing a grand job so ye are!


Tom said...

wow. nicely done. Hedgehog will have her own blog soon.

Megan said...


C.M. Jackson said...

lovely! what an amazing mind! c

Dorraine said...

Pearl pretty poetry, Leah!

Thanks for stopping over at Wonderland and leaving your splendid comment. So great to meet you!

nick said...

"My outsides unassuming, but inside a craggy room." That's wonderful.

Pat said...

Hedgehog that is a beautiful poem and makes me wonder if your oysters are different to ours in Britain.

Candie said...

SO WONDERFUL!!Well done,it was beautiful.Have a nice weekend!

The Unbearable Banishment said...

Metaphor city! Nice work. She's no Bukowski, and thank God for that!

Leah said...

Aw, thanks guys. I'll pass the messages on to the Hedgehog. I'd gotten her permission to put her poem up.

Dorraine: welcome! thanks for stopping by. I'm very excited to read your book.

UB: haha! no Bukowski, you crack me up. I'll be expecting the angry poetry sometime around 15 years old...

Anonymous said...


Betsy Brock said...

OH, that is great! Love it! :)

Baino said...

Hedgie, you're a pearl.

Walker said...

The inside holds the jagged edges and skeleton of its beauty

Karen ^..^ said...

Wow, Hedgie is infinitely talented. Such a beautiful poem. she's amazing.