Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dark Night Blues

Why am I still awake at 3:50 a.m.?

Dark Night Blues - Blind Willie McTell

*Photo: "Dark and Quiet" by Tusu, from Flickr Creative Commons


  1. oddly enough, it is 3:50 a.m. here on the west coast and I, too, am still awake.

  2. just waking up myself on the east coast. love the pic. very haunting.

  3. Love your new photo! Hope u got some sleep.

  4. Quite an ephemeral post, as eventually I did go to sleep, and even got to sleep in, as Hedgie was happy to have some time to herself!

  5. Got a lot on your mind maybe?

    Hope you have a restful day :)

  6. It was Severus. He had you all tied up in love knots! Good thing Sarge slept right through it.

  7. I fell asleep in my chair. After I got back into it, that is.

  8. Try disposing of a good vintage claret prior to bedtime. You'll be asleep before the empty glass leaves your hand.

    Nice new photie by-the-way.

  9. Oh Leah . .welcome to my world. I had the worst night's sleep last night so sympathy to you!

  10. Candie--hi girl!

    Cinnamon--It's been a pretty mellow day, but one without coffee, and I'm flagging...

    Cece!LOL, I wish!

    Megan--at least it was sleep, right?

    Jimmy--I don't think I've ever had claret, though I will certainly try it! Sounds very appealing.

    Baino--My sympathies back to you!!! Let's hope for a better night tonight, for both of us!

  11. Hey girl,
    Sometimes it's good to write down stuff on a piece of paper before going to bed. This clears the mind of "free-floating" clutter that can keep you up.
    Ambien is good too!

  12. I'm laughing too hard to write. You know my life. I don't have time for your wee problems too!!! Damn that's funny. And to think, you finally got to sleep without and English man's booze. Oh right, he's Scottish. I think I need me a good apple and some Irish Breakfast Tea. *Trips over "love knot" on way out*


    P.S. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new pic. You you sexy and coy. Imagine that. How can you see yourself without your glasses, you silly girl you?!

  13. i was awake because of the damn allergies! sigh we should coordinate our sleepless nights, sugar! LOVE the new pic! ;) xoxo

  14. Because you didn't fall asleep at 3:45?
