Saturday, November 8, 2008

Press Your Space Face Close to Mine

I'm thankful for Ziggy Stardust. When I was 13, he captured my imagination, and the thrill has persisted down the years. I mean, I love David Bowie like anything, but entirely apart from that I love Ziggy Stardust.

The first time I heard "Five Years" I was absolutely blown away by the fantastic story of apocalypse preached in a stinging cloud of glitter and cocaine. Ziggy compelled me to fly my freak flag with impunity, and I must say that I'm still flying it.


  1. Someday someway I will fly there and proceed to find my way to your doorstep...probably by the scent of your awesomeness wafting over the streets of Brooklyn like a benediction...

  2. You guys use too many big words and perfectly "wrote" sentences for a simple woman like me. So, I'll tell you a funny story rather than compete, and yes, I should blog about this. I know David. I will call him David because he and his wife nearly killed me one day in West Hollywood. I was coming out of our "Luxury Highrise Condo" on Doheny when I was nearly run over by a little Jeep with a beautiful black woman and a not so attractive white man speeding down the side street like fucking idiots. You bet I was pissed. Apologies, apoligies, apoligies. Yes. Ziggie. I told him to "slow down and knock it off." I think he appreciated not being admired because the conversation was all about being respectful of other drivers. I love the guy and all the songs from the 70's, but I was so pissed, and he knew it. We never mentioned who he was or what he did, we just discussed bad driving choices. A few years later his wife fell in love with the Catskills. They bought almost an entire mountain. Apparently they were thinking of me!!!

    What's so funny is I adored that man in high school, but in real life, he's just like you and me, just richer!!! But trust me, a bad driver, but a gentleman.


  3. I have never managed to QUITE get into him, but he has had major influences on my two most favorite musicians/groups ever, which gives him Godlike status in my eyes. :p

    And my mom loves him madly. Which is just so weird to me, if you knew my mom. lol

  4. Yet I remember you resisting Bowie so aggressively for so long.... Then it broke, like a tidal wave.

    Same with M*A*S*H, come to think about it.



  5. Megan--mutual admiration society!!!! Woohooo!!!

    Hi Suzanne--you know what's funny--David Bowie is the one star-spotting I've always wanted to have in NYC, but it's so far not to be...although I think I'll skip getting run over by him, what a great story!

    Murali, who are your two most fave groups ever?

    Allison, you're right, I remember how staunchly I resisted that you mention it. Did I resist MASH? I think I always tried to resist everything that other people liked (I still do that!) and then often was hoist by my own petard (still am!) xoxoxo

  6. The White Stripes, and The Killers. Both extremely important to me for different reasons, and both hugely influenced by Bowie. So, I don't get him, but I am very grateful, lol.

  7. Sweetie, just spend a weekend in Woodstock. You'll see him, but it's seasonal. I think they're around in Spring. Maybe it's Summer. I'll ask my sister, she lives there. They bought almost that entire mountain just outside Woodstock, so they have to come down for provisions and such. Everyone in town knows where they live, so just ask the locals, then park at the end of the driveway. You should get a glimpse of something, even if it's the barrel of a gun. Good luck honey!!!

    And yes, it's a great story. Believe it or not, I have an even better one about a famous basketball star!!! Absolutely hilarious!!! I have no idea why this shit happens to me, but it does. I've concluded that funny stories just follow me around.

    Love you darling. Terrific post. Keep up the good work.


  8. Ground control to Major Tom. Eight,seven, six. You know, ziggie stardust sounds like a fairy's name. He is such the computer nerd these days, but, yeah, he was an awsome musician back in the day. And how about those acting skills? Does he have acting skill? LOL.

  9. Understand perfectly. The very first album I eve bought was a jacketless copy of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" on vinyl. I got it for $3 in 1975. I had no idea before hearing that album that music could mean anything. Strange what happens when the world changes like that, isn't it?

    Best wishes,


  10. I am not a big Bowie fan yet I have seen him live twice, probably because friend is a freak when it comes to him and she dresses the part too LOL

  11. Walker--she dresses the part?! A moment of silence please as I salute her.

    Skeeter--yes, it's wonderfully true--the beginning of a new world.

    Cece--acting skills, yes, definitely. Especially if you've seen the uncut version of "The Man Who Fell to Earth." Full frontal nudity for a good 5 minutes. Who else but a porn star could pull that off?

    Suzanne--Actually, my sister rode a train to Albany with Iman and daughter right next to her...still not quite the star-spotting we're hoping for though.

    Murali--love The White Stripes, now I must go check out The Killers.

  12. You will like The Killers, I predict!

    Sorry I got a little flowery up there, I was still in "writer" mode!


  13. I, of course, am hugely biased, but I predict you will love the Killers, too. :p

  14. Skeeter, God I love you!!! I know brother, I know. That album is everything. And then there's YES and Topigraphical Oceans, and Led Zepplin's Stairway to Heaven. The list is long and beautiful. HUGE, HUGE HUG.

    The phone just rang. It's was Rob's law school alma mater. I said "He isn't here at the moment, can I take a messages,and she said "No we'll call back at a better time." Bitch. Hey, I can take a message, damit! Sometimes people are so rude. Crap like that just kills me. Reminds me of the freakin' Monty Python movie with my favorite friend screaming "What, I can't do it!??" with no arms and no legs.

    Love ya,
    Suze XO
