Friday, November 7, 2008

Bess and Georges

Today I'm thankful for Laura Ingalls Wilder and Herge, the two writers who have had the biggest impact on my life. I don't even know who I'd be if I hadn't read and reread and reread again every single Tintin and Little House book. Would I know what head cheese and name cards are? Would I know how to braid straw for a hat, or that the "chinook" is the wind that blows in the first spring weather, or that badgers flatten themselves out when threatened? Where would my sense of moral location be if I didn't have Ma's sure guiding hand on my back? And even more's to the point, where would my sense of humor be if I didn't have the reference for "ten thousand thundering typhoons!"?

So, Bess and Georges, I'm thankful for you both as you continue to be strongly present in my life, into adulthood.


  1. I think you cheated on the Thankful for yarn one! Ha

  2. im with cece, yer gonna have to be thankful for an extra day!

  3. Ah, but if you'll notice, I had two posts on the 4th! I think I was just a tad overeager on the yarn...

  4. Also, we know how to twist hay, which might come in handy in the current economic climate!

  5. Billions of Blue Blistering Barnicles! I'm with you on both of these.



    P.S. Our dear friend and old housemate Jenny, who's watching Merle on Tuesdays, wore a calico bonnet to school and insisted on being addressed as Laura. Wendell's old buddy Lia has a Laura Ingalls Wilder Diorama club that meets monthly. I don't think their diorama projects are all L.I.W. related, but like you and I, a lot of Lia's metaphors are drawn from those books. Interestingly I married one of the few men I know who read all of the books in childhood.

  6. You're right, Megan! I forgot that we know how to do that. But...where do we get the hay to twist...

  7. Wendell read all those books in childhood? That man is truly a gem. A's only read them in adulthood. Well, at least he's read 'em.

    I want to make an LIW diorama...hmmm...what of though? Perhaps Pa stranded in the haystack under the blizzard with his Christmas candy and beaver coat...

  8. i'm hanging my head with IV

    coming here makes me so aware of how poorly read i am !

    i would never have thought about being thankful for funny but it's at the top of the list really, i just couldnt live without laughing.

    i also wanted to say thanks for your comment on my not-curmudgeonly post! youre too kind

    and i'l try to be more cranky next time!


  9. Hi Kylie! I'm sure you're not poorly read, I don't believe it for a moment! Anyway, Laura Ingalls Wilder is an American pioneer story--but one is NEVER too old to read her, and I highly recommend the series to you!!!

  10. AND....they have the complete Little House On The Prairie TV series for sale - every single show - at Best Buy for only $225.00.

    I passed it by and went for the HBO series, Carnivàle.

  11. Wasn't Laura's nicknamed Beth....not Bess (by her husband Almonzo (Manly)? Her Pa called her "Half-Pint"
