Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Won a Contest, and What a Contest it Was

Thrilled I am to tell you that I, Leah, have won a contest over at MJ's. You can find details and the link over at Just a Housewife.

Here's my prize:

Make of it what you will.


  1. You DO realize I'm expecting you to write a book report?

  2. Ha ha ha! A book report. That's a good one.

    Congrats Leah! Now I'm going to go read about it on your other blog.

  3. Congrats! I'm sorry I missed the contest. Life has come at me fast lately. I suppose it's a good thing that I'm in good hands with Allstate. Or is it?

    Sorry MJ,
    I know you miss me, and I promise to get back to my regularly schedualed visits soon.

  4. good on you with your "banana" identification skills...

  5. Congrats on your penis book. Gee, that feels as wierd to type as it sounds. Oh my, this is the first time I've ever congratulated such a thing.

    Best wishes,

