Monday, September 22, 2008


I got a haircut today, and you know how that can make you feel like you're starting over...along with my overlong "flowing" tresses went some of my cares...right onto the East Village salon floor, swept away like crumbs on the High Holidays...

I look pretty serious here in my Ph.D./birth control glasses, but really I'm full of glee and light as air. Just trying to keep the buzz going a little longer...


  1. Wow, you're gorgeous. That's the new doo? I love it. Becomes you. You're a redhead? Hummmmmmmmmmm, interesting. Still red down under? Apparently that's the test. Not that I care, but apprently all America does. I know, go figure?

    You look so lovely Leah. I'm glad you posted a photo. Hi honey!!!!! And thank you for everything you little smarty pants.


  2. Are birth control glasses the direct opposite of beer goggles?

  3. Bob: exactly.

    Suzanne: thank you! you sweetie pie. And p.s. the vulgar parlance is "fire in the hole" but let's not speak of that...LOL

  4. Hi Leah,

    I know what you mean. I'm at that point where I needa hair cut too. Just a little bitty one to be sure, but take the chance right?

    Best wishes,


  5. Looky at you! Hello gorgeous! Love the glasses too. I have a pair that are similar! Lol!
    Nice to see you and put a face with a name doll! I also want to say...thank you for continuing to support me through this tough time! I love hearing from you and your always so upbeat and encouraging (as the others too). I just came by to tell you one day I will owe you the biggest hug! One day I know we will meet! And for that day will be a good day!

  6. You look absolutely supernal.

    *tries to work words from Leah's sidebar into my comments*

  7. Fire in the hole. So really, do you have fire in the hole?

    The comments are too much fun. I just love every single one. And honey, thanks for your comment on my blog. It mattered a whole hell of a lot. I love you. Everything's gonna be fine. Just needed to work through some garbage. Will explain in a future post.


  8. Hi dear Robyn! I know we'll meet. How much fun would that be?

    MJ, yes, supernal is how I've always described my looks. You're so right.

    Skeeter, dude (that's what I'm calling you from now on a propos you latest blog post!), I think your hair is good as is. I on the other hand was drowning in mine!!!!

  9. Those are NOT birth control glasses, they're sexy librarian glasses. Love the doo! I had about ten inches cut off not too long ago but it is still all one length and long enough for a ponytail.

    I know, I'm a goob!

  10. Ha ha ha love the "birth control" glasses, even with them on you are gorgeous!

    I'm going to post a photo of my "what the hell is it" hairdo. Why? Because I think I need a hair cut too. You've inspired me!

    By the way...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this:

    "flowing tresses went some of my cares...right onto the East Village salon floor, swept away like crumbs on the High Holidays..."

    That is simply beautiful writing!

  11. i came here to tell you that i imagined you so differently!!
    and all the other comments are so much better. rats!

    to the question of fire in the hole you should answer "of course"
    i've never heard that saying before, is there an equally good one for brunettes?

    have fun

  12. Sexy librarian glasses! I love that, and I'm going to run with it. My new alter ego is the Sexy Librarian.

    Thanks for your sweet comment, RC.

    And Kylie, how did you picture me? I'm very curious.

  13. Okay, so I am really behind on the times. But, hey look at you! The glasses rock!

    I hope that you are well.

    **running through your blog at top speed, and out the back...

  14. ah leah, i pictured you with straighter hair, more brown than red but the funny part is that i know you're pretty close to me in age and for some crazy reason i picture myself as about 25, so iexpected you to look about 25.

    does that make sense?
    no, i'm not saying you look old, more that i'm in some kind of denial time warp thing

    i feel my feet filling my mouth so i'm outta here

    ciao :)

  15. It looks great dear. Glasses aren't so bad, don't let 'em get you down. You know I've had worse by miles and things turned out just fine.

    Best wishes,

