Monday, April 14, 2008

Did You Know I Love Online Quizzes?

Well, I do. I love them so much. Time-wasting, superficial, meaningless really. But I love 'em. The only reason I'm posting this is because I laughed when I saw the "classic" movie I got pegged for:

What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by

Yup, I'm "Schindler's List" alright. That is SO on target. And not because I "put the needs of others before my own" (although yes, I am a martyr of the worst sort--and by the way, that's not exactly what Oskar Schindler did--right up until the end, he did his good deeds for the sake of his own ego--I mean, not that that negates what he did, but still). But certain other qualities come to mind--Jewish, gloomy, death-obsessed. I mean, I just laughed when that picture came up on the screen. Because of course, I'd never be pegged as "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" or the Woodstock concert film...


  1. Leah,

    What a fun quiz. I happy to report, I am "Raiders of the Lost Ark". "You live for adventure, fortune-hunting, and danger."

    But you already knew that...

  2. Wow, I'm "Schindler's List" too. Hummmmmmmm. I'll take the test again when I have more time and can answer more than 8 quesions.

    I just want to stop by and say thanks for such a wonderful post at the cafe. You're the best. And thanks too for allowing Hedgehog to drive the truck. She was terrific. ;) Did you see all the bleachers?!

    Robyn gave me her home and work address, so tomorrow, depending on her location, I'll have flowers delivered from all of us, or I'll pick a huge bouquet of roses and buy a card and leave them on her door step. Shhhhhhh, don't tell her. You know she's gonna cry like a baby. Yee Haw!

    Oh, and this made me laugh. You mentioned Woodstock in your current post and I mentioned it over at the Cafe. How interesting.

    Love ya ~ have a great day,

    P.S. And no, you shouldn't be reading this if you're supposed to be working. Right?

  3. I am Hollywood Boulvard - which I have never seen, yet. By the way, is this avoidance behavior? =) K

  4. Apocalypse Now! Whoa, I've got issues...

  5. I WAS RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK AS WELL... HMMM.... (sorry caps.) there are a ton of those little comparitive quizez out there, this one was fun!

  6. What in the h*** have you started? Too funny. If you're reading this before 5 pm, you bad. You bad, bad, bad.

    I've been waiting to hear from Robyn. She has my numbers. I told her to call. She better hurry because I'm runnin' outa time baby! I Google maped her house and if I have to go down in the middle of the night I'm going to get so, so lost in that housing development. It reminds me of a book my younger sister read when we were in high school "90 Years In A Sand Trap." If you don't hear from me in a week, for God sakes, send help. I'll have to go in the middle of the night because Hwy 5 is brutal in the morning and trust me, I don't want to get caught in all that traffic. I may be an idiot, but I'm not that stupid!

    My other option is flower delivery. However, I can't plan that either until I hear from her. I have to know she'll be home. She gave me her work address, so if she's working I can have the bouquet delivered there, but I don't know where the hell she's gonna be. So, I wait. Tap, tap, tappin' at Heaven's Door. Perhaps I should just call for a perscription!!! Then I'd get her!

    Honey, if you have time, check out (just Google it). I'm thinking of the flower cake. For some reason it just screams ROBYN!!! Do you like that? Do you see something else you like better? Let me know. I'm open to suggestions below $50.

    I got the card. It's a hoot. I'll post it tomorrow. I don't want her to see it today.

    Love you sweetie. Swing by the Cafe for a nice latte and cupcake. On me.


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. i'm afraid i'm "easy rider"! i don't think i've actually seen it...
