Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Never

A couple of weekends ago, Sergeant Pepper and I traveled to New Jersey to empty out a storage space of old stuff his mom left behind when she moved to Texas. When we opened the gate, we were greeted by a hideous jumble: myriad curtain rods, moldy suitcases, a kit for a go-cart, travel brochures, a trampoline, and a mysterious locked trunk (don't ask what I think my MIL is storing in that thing). Important memorabilia, precious books, and literal garbage all crammed in together. There was even a cauldron in there!

And then there was this:

My man was in the army awhile back, before I met him. I'm proud of him for serving, and it only adds to his overall coolness in my eyes. So when I saw this box, I was dumbfounded. Then we both couldn't stop laughing. I opened it up, and sure enough, there were all of his awards, haphazardly stashed in with old bath mats and rugs from the bathroom in MIL's old house. The rugs were neatly folded and packaged up in plastic.


  1. if you are going to throw away the go-kart.... i'll take it! we got kids round here would go mad about a go-kart!!!

  2. and wots up with the continued no commentsie backsies....

  3. oh and bang! first! well and third....

  4. Hey, IV, you're right about commentsie backsies. I had a little renaissance a couple of posts ago, but then I've slacked off. Now I'm back!! Especially because you're first and third. And because you posted one of the funniest posts ever about you at a baby shower. You know LOL? Well, I actually, not figuratively, laughed out loud when I read that.

    And the go-kart--I think Sarge is going to put it together for the Hedgehog. It was his when he was little, but he could never get anyone to help him build it, so I think he's going to do it now just to put a bitter disappointment to rest (heh). I bet you could make an awesome go-kart from scratch. Do it and post pics and we will too! Did you have one when you were little?

  5. A cauldron! That made me laugh!

  6. Hey you! You made me laugh on my blog. Here honey...have a crystal. I have lots to spare!

    I love the writing on the box. That is too funny. And the go-kart...way cool. I had one. My sisters and I were all sort of tom-boys, except my older sister, she was VERY girlie. We had a blast with anything that made life interesting and funny. When Hedgehog gets that go-kart, be sure to post a photo. We'll all reflect and drool!

    Love ya,

  7. Hi honey. Finally got a post up at the Wild Onion. Take a look. Let me know what you think. I haven't heard from Robyn, so I'm in limbo. I'm gonna kill her!

  8. nope, wasnt allowed any of that stuff. with the amount of time i spent grounded there would have been no need for toys and the like. my neighbors had a snow mobile they used to run me over with though....

  9. Hi honey! Went to Elk Grove to deliver roses to Robyns front door. Didn't want to waste money on a flower cake that would sit in the sun all day, so instead spent just as much on gas! Good Lord. Where is that woman?

    I.V., if I'm ever down in Big Sur I'll help you build a go-kart. Yup, I know how. And for God sakes, DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT start at the top of the hill because you'll end up in the ocean. Trust me.

    Love to you both, Suz

  10. Hi Leah,
    just stopping by to say hi to you and family...
    I will be back soon... just got net back...and in a new place...
    My Pappa was in army too...(Indian army)...I can imagine how proud you are...

    ♥ & ((hugs))

  11. I am glad you found the medals, they are important and special.

    The go-cart will be cool for Hedgie, we have a golf cart that has a big tires and can go just about anywhere. The kids and Mr. Big have killed it,LOL Somebody ran over a log and it went into the gas tank, so it needs a few repairs, but what fun we have with it.

    I heard the slots are paying off tonight, I think we should get Suze to play. Come on over to play.


  12. Hi Bindi! So nice to see you here! I'm glad you came to visit.

    Hi Gig--I can just see Hedgehog riding around like a hellion in a golf cart. She would go CRAZY for that. But I'd be scared! LOL. I was scared when she was driving around in the little Barbie jeep my MIL got for her.
