Sunday, June 28, 2009

Victorian Dream

Last night I dreamed very vividly that I was visiting a blogging friend's house--let's not say who it was, I'll retain some dignity--and I caught a cold. This friend had a servant (yes, a servant, do any of you have servants?) prepare a posset for me to drink in bed, propped up against some very large white feather pillows in a very grand room. The greater part of the dream consisted of this friend telling me in detail the ingredients of the drink: cream (hm), 1 tablespoon of the very best whiskey in the house, spices, then filled the rest of the way up with the poorer whiskey and heated nearly to boiling. I have no idea whether this is a proper posset, let's just say it is the recipe for a proper dream posset. It was served in a thick white mug, and I could actually feel the steam on my face. The posset was delicious (I could taste it in the dream) and salubrious. So salubrious that I woke this morning feeling physically bolstered. Can I attribute it to the imaginary drink? Perhaps.

Why did I dream this? A number of months ago, readers offered cold remedies for my consideration. That has been hanging about in my subconscious. And it may have had something to do with the fact that I've been reading a combination of Henry James and Mary Burchell, and have been writing a great deal as well, and so am thinking in terms of descriptions of things, and then too I've been thinking romantic, Victorian thoughts during my waking hours. Perhaps in one of these books a servant, on behalf of a solicitous hero, even brought a posset to a girl with a cold, I can't remember.

I ask you, have you ever dreamed of this strange inchoate interwebs shadow-world? Has it ever been made corporeal during your sleeping hours, have the half-faced people ever come, fully realized, to life? It's never happened to me before last night, and I'm not sure whether I like it entirely.


  1. read this entry and had to walk away to consider my response. and the answer is yes. i'll say no more because i'm taking the 5th. xoxox

  2. you invite us into such a web here. was it the books causing the dream, the dream causing you to imagine in the books. where does the web begin and where does it end...when we awake to reality...maybe not. whether this is good or thinks it could be a bit of both...

  3. For absolutely no reason whatsoever i have been in very intimate situations with a couple of men(was yours a man)- separately not a threesome- who I have never met and actually blushed when I saw them later on TV. This was in my dreams of course and really odd as I would never consciously fancy them in a million years. Weird.

  4. I often imagine unknown details of other bloggers' houses and lives, I suppose just because the mind likes to have a complete picture of something and if details are missing my imagination fills them in. But I don't dream about other bloggers at night (or at least not to my knowledge!). I rather like that cosy image of the posset and the feather pillows though - maybe I'll dream of that!

  5. Wow, your dreams are really vivid and involved. I must say that recently, to my chagrin, I've not really remembered my dreams. I miss that.

    Embrace it. Enjoy it.

  6. My dreams are usually quite vivid and of an unnatural sort. Where I get most of my ideas for stories from.

  7. I didn't mind you drinking my best whisky and falling asleep in my bed, but calling poor Mrs T a servant is pushing our friendship to the limit.

  8. savannah dear--pleading the 5th in this case is much the most sensible course of action!

    Brian--you've got a flair for putting things! Indeed, where does the web end or begin? Perhaps I'd better rein in my reality a bit!

    PI--oh, yes, I've had a few of those inexplicable dreams myself! I think the peculiar thing about the interwebs is that you know people only through their writing, and in a way that can be even more alarmingly seductive than real life...

    nick--I like to fill in the blanks for the dream, looking at it in the light of day, yes, it was very cozy indeed. I suppose it was simply about wanting to be taken care of, in that way we can't be often as adults.

    Karen--it's funny, but this is the first dream that I've remembered in what seems like a long time. When I do remember, though, they're very detailed and involve most of the senses.

    Brandy Rose--it's really excellent that you can get writing ideas from your dreams! Mine are usually too non-linear, and not in a fun way.

    Jimmy--oh my goodness, never should I refer to dear Mrs T as a servant...but who was it then? Perhaps Mrs T's ladies' maid who brought me the posset?

  9. I remember dreams rather too vividly for comfort sometimes. Usually about work, which shows just how sad I really am.

  10. I have done Past Life Regressions for many years with people. That is what it sounds like to me, Repleat with all the vivid detail.

  11. yes, i dreamed of meeting you, it was very definitely in New York because i had moved there,only the building was very similar to the one i work in.
    there was not much detail and i'm not sure i even saw your face but i knew it was you

  12. Yes, this has happened to me. Or something like it. I think. Maybe. My dreams are not usually as comfortable as this.

    I'm glad you have been doing a lot of writing!

  13. I have Victoria Secrets dreams. Oh, you meant the Victorian Ages. Never mind.

  14. I have a lot of vampire dreams, does that count. Sometimes I am the vampire and sometimes I am the victim, and then sometimes I am the one protecting the victim from the vampires. This is why I do not watch vampire movies anymore. But I guess I do watch vampire movies, just that I am producing them. Very scarey. Then every so often I have a normal dream, and if I cannot remember the dream than that is even better.

    We just have to remember that dreams are dreams, do they fortell the future or are they products of our past. Who knows for sure. Mine had better be fantasies or the world is in trouble.

    God bless.

  15. LOL,no I never,not yet.If you see me walking by one time..don't be scared.No I don't have servants,that wasn't me!lol.Seriously I had a dream 2 nights ago,in a bus and I was singing a song of Michael Jackson,I know, that must be the whole story going on on tv.I like that song of him,many I liked anyway,I'm going to put it as the song of the day.Dreams can be strange.

  16. Mrsupole:I had vampire dreams before I think it means when you're out of energy,energy low,that you're tired in your life or someone or something is sucking all your energy up.Something like that.It's always about you most of the time anyway.

  17. Mme DeF--yes, sometimes dreams are best left to the nighttime hours, they can be SO disconcerting when remembered!

    Ronda--really, do you think it's possible? That would be amazingly cool, and I'd like to believe it's true.

    Kylie--you did?! I hope I was nice!

    Megan--I'm glad you have too! And mine are often not so comfy--I've been having a series of dreams about being chased by a serial killer, so this was at least some respite...

    Bob--and there you have the reason, in a nutshell, why I throw those things directly in the recycling as soon as they arrive in the house... ; )

    Mrsupole--you know what's really weird? I watch SO MANY vampire movies, vampire shows, read books about vampires, and I've never dreamed about one! Go figure!

    Candie--I definitely wouldn't be scared to see you in a dream! I'm sure it would be very friendly! And I like your interp of the vampire dreams.

  18. Leah.. can you send them to me? ;-)

  19. You've been tagged Queen of dreams!!

  20. The answer to your question is no, but I almost want a cold just so I can make myself a posset. And it sounds like a lovely dream.
