Saturday, May 9, 2009

Post Redux: In Honor of Mothers Everywhere: Booby Butter Box Tutorial

I've never reposted a post before, but today I'm going to just because I love this so much that I want to make sure this gets shared. For some reason, I associate the Booby Butter Box with mothering. Is it just the boobs? Or is it the childhood transgression that fills me with hope for Hedgehog's own rebellions?

The funny thing is, being the sort of mother I am, I made one for Hedgehog last year; she laughed and put it on her treasure shelf, but did I rob her of the opportunity to be daring on her own? Oh well...

Perhaps you can make one of these as a Mother's Day gift for someone you love. I really really hope you do!

Here's the original post:

Just for Mother's Day, I'm resurrecting an old childhood favorite (well, if you were a child like me that is), the Booby Butter Box. If you follow my instructions, you will experience for yourself the magical transformation of the iconic infinitely regressing Indian butter lady into your own tiny pocket peep show.

First, lay out your tools: a box of special butter (and only this particular box will do), scissors, an Exacto knife, and tape.

Cut a panel of cardboard with the full Indian girl depicted, then trim said panel right under her knees and on both sides, as you wish.

With your Exacto, cut around three sides of the butter box so that it forms a flap.

Next, fold your butter girl right above the knees, creasing the fold firmly so that it stays in place. Do you see where you're going with this yet?

Your next step is the key fold, but it's very difficult to describe. Suffice it to say, it's every man for himself at this point. The trick is to fold your lady so that her knees are facing forward behind the flap in the butter window. When you have achieved this, you have achieved the Booby Butter Box. Tape your fold at the back, and you're ready to go.

I've always thought that the original illustrator had intended this ultimate end for his innocent Indian maiden. Else why would he have made her knees just exactly like two enormous boobs?

Happy Mother's Day!

p.s. Maybe don't show this to your grandpa. I did when I was eight, and he wasn't amused.

originally posted 5/11/08


  1. Oops, sorry to those who commented--I erased by mistake the original post--oh, never mind it's a long story--

    but Auntie, Nursemyra, and Books, Coffee--thanks for dropping by, I did read your comments!


  2. Haha . . I wish we had that brand here! Whatever made you think of that in the first place? Kudos for creative porn!

  3. I wonder if you can get some Challenge butter and make something interactive?

  4. Happy Mothers' Day! Wonderful little trick...will put a smile on everyone's face and an idea in every boob-lover's head :)

  5. You oughta do a guest spot on Martha Stewart.

    Happy Mother's Day!

  6. Very funny and creative. It is Boobiful.

  7. Now show me how to do it with an Mrs. Butterworth's syrup bottle.

  8. Er... hmm... well, we don't have this butter sold here, I think. Otherwise, of course...

    And about that question:"Else why would he have made her knees just exactly like two enormous boobs?"

    Some people, the original illustrator included, always look for an opportunity to play out their fixations. Or their frustration, who knows?

  9. LOL,Leah!Nice boobs!
    and you even erased comments!You're so funny.
    Happy mother's day!

  10. I once made me ma a card out of feces and glitter, well it was more like a lump with glitter.

  11. Thank you for posting this, I laughed a lot.

  12. You know Rob made one of these damn things for me way back when we were at Berkeley. Stayed on the frig for decades. It's funny. It's really, really funny. Unless you see it, you don't really understand how damn funny it is.

    Hey baby. Happy Mother's Day. I love you.

  13. Baino--alas, I didn't think of it on my own. It was received "wisdom" from goodness knows where...

    Brian--happy Mother's Day a day late to your wife! Well, every day is mother's day, right?

    Megan--I had to go look up the Challenge packaging...LOL! I wish I could come up with some way to use it...

    Devil--It certainly makes me laugh no matter how many times I see it!

    MJ--I can just see me with Martha--she, wielding the x-acto and me, standing by giving instructions--she'd do the most meticulous job, the world would never again see such a wonderful Booby Butter Box!

    Ronda--Boobiful! LOL!

    Just Bob--you know, I've always thought that Mrs. Butterworth was a bit naughty. Maybe some sort of role-playing with Barbie and G.I. Joe would work...

  14. Snoopy--I agree! someone was fixated, or frustrated, or both...

    Candie--yes, nice boobs, right? haha. I did lose it a little when I erased the comments though...oh well...

    Old K--kind of like the "card" I received when my toddler got into the glitter...

    gemma--I'm glad you enjoyed it! I think it's a triumph of humor and engineering...

    Suzy--it's true, it is so wonderful "in person." It really is.
