Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Kiss Tag Boy Crazy

A new development in 8-year-old Hedgehog's development--notice how blithely I trip from the total psychic meltdown of previous post, to lighthearted musings--made itself known last Saturday.

One of Hedgie's very best friends is a boy, I'll call him Hector, a marvelous charismatic little boy I believe I've spoken of before--he's naughty, rip-roaringly funny, and so kind with Hedgie, and he's an intellectual powerhouse, perfectly matched in his wide-ranging and obscure interests and little obsessions to her own idiosyncratic way of being in the world.

Last week, Hedgie and I were talking about crushes--who had one on whom in her class, among her friends. I asked--probably I shouldn't have, but I couldn't resist--"do you have any crushes going right now Hedgie?" She told me she had a crush on Hector. "Really?" I asked. "Do you think there's a difference between having a crush and being good friends?" "Yes," she replied. "There is a difference. But in Hector's case, I have a crush and a friendship. You know, I think he's really handsome."

Ah. Well, Hector is a handsome little boy. And, even more compellingly, he has such a courtly manner with Hedgie--deferring to her wishes, letting her hold his hand as they walk down the street. Friendship and a crush--on such lucky happenstance are marriages built. I should know. But I didn't mention this to her.


Saturday mornings Hedgie, Hector, and their other dear friend Nicole attend Tae Kwan Do classes, after which we all retire to the charming local cafe for Limonata, Whoopie pies, lavish paninis, and other high-end gastronomic delights (which at this moment in time, I might add, I can ill afford, but I figure, hey--what's life for if not a Saturday afternoon guilt-free indulgence...). The children take their own table and spend a nice hour discussing Lord knows what--they seem so sophisticated and well-behaved, until the moment when, suddenly, they aren't. We parents joke that that moment comes unbidden--and then they must be set free poste-haste, before chaos descends on the quiet little bistro--the three children bum-rush the door and crowd through it comically shoving--bursting forth wildly into the sunshine and fresh air like they'd just spent a month chained in the dankest of dungeons.

Usually, their reclaimed freedom is expressed in unstructured running, up and down the block, until they are winded. Last Saturday, though, one of the children called out "Kiss tag!!!!!" and of one accord they began a new--ominously new--game of, well, kiss tag. I needn't elaborate, I'm sure. Hector pursued the girls, who stayed a step ahead, shrieking, until they allowed themselves to be caught and kissed. Over and over, until it was decided that there would no longer be a "base" and so all bets were off. Screaming, catching, exaggerated smooching on cheeks.

The parents--well, we weren't sure what exactly to do. We were trying not to laugh, trying not to watch, trying to chat idly about other things.

I wonder what Hedgie will be like as she gets older. Will she be boy-crazy like me? I was, am, and always will be absolutely stark-raving boy-crazy, I know, I know, I've said it before. Even now I am, as boy crazy as a happily-faithfully-married woman can be. It's a joke in our household--Hedgie's aunt, my sis, is always warning Hedgie "don't be boy-crazy like your mama!" Hedgie always laughs.

I'm alarmed, but amused, but resigned to the inevitability of it all, but resistant--a kiss--so innocently given and taken--but still, watching my girl laughingly running away, and then letting him catch her--


  1. I think I will be that kind of mom:"no one is good enough for my son",yeah I know but will never interfere in his "business".

    btw,ha ha!But me who know you only for not a really long time,what do you mean by that?lol

  2. Like a fly to a spider... the intricate webs that women shall weave.

    I dare say that the bairn already has a good inclination on the powers of attraction, purely via her genes.

  3. I would chase a boy for a Whoopie Pie.

  4. Heggie and her friends are adorable and you have a way of telling a story beautifully. I think she might be boy crazy like Mama! Good luck with that!

    I apologize. I didn’t get to post as promised yesterday because life got hectic, but will try in a bit after I load the dishwasher, continue with laundry and about a zillion other damn things. Take a peek again this afternoon. I hope today is kind to you.

    Love you dear,

    P.S. Thanks for the comment as always. He was a gem.

    P.P.S. Yes, I commented twice. Thought I was here, but was there, so posted here in the event you don't read it there. ;)

  5. MJ--I might shiv a boy for a Whoopie pie.

  6. Candie--all the food description? Or was it the Whoopie pie specifically? They are so delicious.

  7. kiss tag...oh wow! innoscent enough now i am sure...

    it would be great for her to grow up to fall in love with a friend. while it can be a double edged sword if it does not work out, when it does it creates a great foundation.

  8. What a lovely tale of youth...I remember my first kiss from a boy was on the cheek and my best friend got kissed on the lips. I was not amused! Ah, youth...

  9. Good afternoon,
    Good to see you in better spirits!

  10. ah leah,
    i am also capable of slippng seamlessly from psychic meltdown to lighthearted musings.
    what a joy to see this new development. my kids assure me they would never play kiss tag and i wonder why not. i know of some crushes but generally the whole idea of girl/boyfriends seems distasteful.

    this is a lovely post

  11. I would be the one who didn't get chased.

  12. Jimmy--it's true, I must say that I see already some feminine wiles at work...I don't know whether to be chagrined or whether to smile...and yes, I must admit, I think she takes after me...

    Suzy!Hedgie's friends are my favorite little guys in the world. And thank you again for your sweetness.

    Brian--I must admit, I've wondered what the future holds for Hedgie and Hector. I shouldn't, but I can't help wonder...anyway, at least I hope they're always friends.

    Lulda, welcome! What a funny little tale of cheek vs. lips! But no, alas, I suppose it wasn't funny at the time...

    Auntie!--my spirits aren't where they should be, but I thought I'd at least try not to be a sourpuss!!!

    Kylie, did you ask your little ones about Kiss Tag after you read this post? Do you think it's sort of a universal thing, whether or not one plays? It must be, although I don't specifically remember it from my childhood.

  13. BOB! You'd just have to do the chasing!!! The girls were making Hector chase them!!!

  14. Trust me, no one wants me chasing them.

  15. Well, that's a new one and no mistake! I think it's cute!

    Slightly off-topic but still around it somewhere:

    Offspring just did that facebook meme where one of the questions was have you ever been given roses - and he said yes but he didn't really like the person - poor girl. :(

    I've been burning with curiosity ever since but so far I haven't asked...

  16. BOB!!!!! I'm gonna bop you!!!!!

    Megan--I cannot believe you've resisted the temptation to grill him. You are a good mom. I don't think I could do it--I'm such a frakking meddler...

  17. If I were a mom I couldn't resist the temptation either. And Bob, I'm going to "Bop" you too. Leah, that's just too damn funny!!!

  18. Oh, almost forgot to mention because you're so distracting. I'm going to win the socks.

    P.S. Heggie. Aunt Suzie loves you SO VERY, VERY MUCH. ;)

  19. Ah poor girl. . you've still got to suffer 'spin the bottle' . . the first time I saw my 16 year old go the full snog was a shock but she turned out alright. *breathes deeply*
    Seriously . . though, you were there and they did it in front of you, that's a huge vote of confidence.

  20. I had to go through this with my kids and now watch the grandkids go through it.

    Whoopie pies, I have not had those since the 70's in Panama. Just too many calories. I have the recipe somewhere and it is full of crisco oil. Now it just tastes like a big ball of crisco and sugar, but oh so good. I wish I could eat them more often.

    But young love is great.

    God bless.

  21. What a wonderful tale of youth. They grow and blossom in such amazing ways and it can be both rewarding and nerve-racking all at the same time.

    Not so sure that I wouldn't be guilty of doing something extreme for a Whoopie Pie as well......

  22. Ah, and so it begins...

    At least you are a good mom, and don't freak out on her telling her that kissing boys is shameful and evil. Sometimes I wonder how I survived Gran, LOL. I was boy crazy from the cradle, I think. I was absolutely FASCINATED with boys. Not my brothers, they smelled. But OTHER boys. Wow.

    I guess I kind of still am, but it's a love/hate kind of crazy now, LOL.

    The kissing tag game... Such an eerily similar game to the one played as adults, in the dating world.

    Maybe people should have played more kissing tag when they were kids, to get that confounded game out of their system once and for all...

  23. Kiss tag. Now that's a game alright. They never anything good like this when I was a kid!!!

    Best wishes,

