Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thankful for My Daughter's Tae Kwan Do Master

Yes, I'm thankful for him. He has been an unexpected blessing in our lives. A wonderful, soulful man, who since meeting Hedgehog last spring has brought a sturdy, steady light into all our lives. So much more than just an instructor, he teaches kindness, discipline, generosity, and grace of spirit and body. He has become a role model for all three of us.

Just yesterday, I spilled some coffee in the beautifully appointed waiting room of the dojo. As I was down on my knees, blotting up his lovely mat, in my usual housewifely position and a bit embarrassed, he laughed and told me he'd put the outdoor mat indoors for just such occasions. I stood, and rolled my eyes in my jokily complaining way, saying, "ech, this is my life, forever blotting up carpets..." and he smiled and, not looking at me, said gently "you have a wonderful life."

It was not a reprimand, not confrontational, said in his sweet way, but with certitude; he really meant it. So what could I do but agree? I don't always feel that way, but I'll try to remind myself of his words when I feel down...

Thank you, Tae Kwan Do Master.


  1. “Well done, Little Grasshopper.”

  2. What a wonderful thought. And as Megan said, very wise.

  3. There you go, there is nothing bad about a little spilt milk or coffee.
    Its one of the things my step kids learned from their martial arts course.
    Well, after their their sensei told them it would probably take 20years before they would be able to kick the crap out of me.
    I guess sometimes we have to learn about it from the outside to understand it then bring in home with us because who they hell is going to listen to their parents or their kids LOL
    But it also teaches you to listen to each other. ;)

  4. What a surprisingly touching thing to say. I always find that people who are balanced in body, mind, and spirit have such a simple and totally easy view on life.

  5. Hello Leah. A wise student you can be.

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