Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thankful for the Fire

I'm so thankful for my fireplace. It's as old as the house, over 150 years old, and I love to imagine the tenants of the past sitting by it, cooking over it maybe, warming themselves and feeling cozy like we do.


  1. I had a fireplace when I lived in Colorado and I miss it dearly. There's not much better in this world than feeling the warmth of a fire and sound of the crackling wood on a cold winter's night.

    Thanks for the reminder Leah!

  2. You have a fireplace! What a great place...

  3. We used the fireplace a lot when I was a kid. It is one of the requirements of any permanent abode I ever have (if I ever have one).

    I have a pretty mental picture of you and yours cuddling up around it - but don't let the ball of yarn roll in!

  4. I'm thankful for mine too.

    It's only 80 years old but that's considered ancient in my part of the country.

  5. In New Zealand, the only place we've lived in my whole married life, we had an old fashioned pot belly stove. Oh how we miss that stove. It heated the place up like nobody's business.

  6. I think our house is the only one in the neighborhood that doesn't have a fireplace. I miss having one terribly but love the smell when the temperature dips down into the tonight....when all the house surrounding me have fires burning.

  7. Wow! what a georgous fireplace it is. I can see that on the cover of a romance novel with some hot steamy love scene occuring in front of it. Possibly Suze and #69.

  8. Fireplace, cocoa, a blanket and Boston Legal.

    A perfect evening.
