Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We Have Two Winners! Just because I couldn't stop at one...

The first soon-to-be proud owner of a pair of handknit socks in Koigu premium merino is...


Congratulations Kristen!

Details for Kristen: Now go to the previous post and then to the link to Koigu. You'll see all the gazillions of colors there--choose a first and second choice, and then please email me at, letting me know your color choices, as well as your foot length in inches. Oh, and don't forget your address, so that this can get to you!

Edit: Simply because I couldn't stand to not spread the sock love a little more, and because I LOVE to knit socks, I have to choose a second winner to receive a pair of sock. So I put my names back into the random list generator, and the name that randomly came up first was, fittingly,


Well, Random, same deal for you...go to the previous post, pick your top two colors, and shoot me an email with your choices, foot length, and address! Sock love will be yours!

Thanks so much to all who posted the wonderful descriptions of favorite childhood toys. I had such a good time reading them. Stop by anytime

And I must say, contests are fun! I'm brainstorming my next one, perhaps sooner than the 300-post mark.


  1. Wow - Kristen you are on a roll - second sock contest you've won this week! Congrats.

  2. OH! MY! GOD!

    This is so totally cool!

    THANK YOU LEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Conditions apply.

    The winners must post pics of themselves wearing the socks!

  4. *storms off, would have posted pic of self in just socks*

  5. Leah, you are my biggest disappointment. What's this, like the 3rd try? Okay. I give up. I'm sittin' out the next one in protest.

    Hummmmmmmmmm...just had the strangest feeling. I entered this one, didn't I???!!! No really. Didn't I? I didn't, did I? Okay, 4th times a charm.


    P.S. HI HONEY!!!!

  6. Maybe next time. I think all of us losers need a group hug or something. Who is with me? Or maybe we can just be crestfallen that we have not won again and leave it in your comments.

  7. Mr. Shife, Daddy, here honey, group hug. Well, apparently it's just you and me, so technically what's that called? Dating?! When the hell you think we're gonna win a pair of socks from Leah? And how does she select the winner? That's what I'd like to know. How? Why don't you tell me Mr. Science. Ahhhhhhhh screw it, I can knit. We probably have a better chance of me coming up with 4 socks than winning anything from the knit girl.


  8. Hey guys!

    MJ--definitely they must show their tootsies in the socks, but preferably no nudity...

    Suzanne, don't worry, it's totally random. I just feed the list into a random list generator, and whatever name it spits out first is it!

    Anyway, I have something else very nice that I'm going to hold a contest for soon...I'm really into this contest thing!


  9. Suzanne... make mine RED SOX please, size 9.

  10. What? NO WHAT!!!??? I now have to knit 6? Jeasus H Christ. My work is never done. Leah...I could use a little help Princess. And I have to now master red and white. I may need a bit of assistance. I don't know how to do that.
