Monday, July 28, 2008


It seems more summer than summer itself here in Brooklyn--not the firefly nights picnics beach barbecue and smell of fresh mowed lawn summer, but the steaming concrete boiling winds off the expressway open fire hydrant sweaty queues at the ice cream truck brewing but never arriving thunderstorms police siren kind of summer. There's something to be said for summer in the city; it doesn't care about you, it's just doing its own thing.

Oh and I've got a new post. It's alas only NC-17 in spirit.


  1. being a concrete lover of sorts. This post intrigued me...this is how I imagined a big city like New York! I remember seeing this as I drove by in a typical yellow taxi. Seeing the kids dancing around the fire hydrant! Aahhhh! the smell of roasting concrete in the summer...

  2. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...New York. Love it and hate it. Of course I'm serious!


  3. I've never been to Brooklyn, or New York for that matter. I hope to go someday soon. I would be so sad if I died and never got to see it....

    BTW: Be There or Beware

  4. Summer in the city is creature all on it's own...the city *I* lived in was Chicago, but it had all the right elements...the steaming cement, the ice cream truck drawing the kids from anywhere within earshot, the fire hydrant, the visits with the neighbors as we all sat on the front porch or's really something special. I miss that.

  5. Robyn, it's true, the scent of roasting concrete replaces the scent of roasting s'mores...

    Suzanne, I too have a love-hate relationship with this place!

    RC, you must make a trip to NYC, although I recommend either spring or fall as a good time. Both are lovely seasons here--but summer isn't for the faint of heart (not that I think you're faint-hearted, but still...)

    Hi M (I think I'll shorten your tag for the moment), so nice to see you again! It's true that the stoop culture in the city is just wonderful. Dan Zanes has a great song about it, called "Linger for Awhile."

  6. Well, I am always here...I have you in my bloglines. I just don't comment all the time. :p

    I'll look up that song...that is definitely one of my favorite aspects of living in a city neighborhood. It's almost a smalltown feel.

    And name is a little long. :p But one will ever mix me up with someone else!! lol (Murali, for short, btw)

  7. Murali then! That's very pretty.

  8. Go to the Cafe sweeteie. I had an interesting conversation with my niece that included you! Too funny.

  9. One of many reasons why I'm moving back east next year is to be closer to New York City.

  10. MJ--back east is always good!

  11. Hey chicky! How is the concrete? Just wanted to say hidy how! So HELLO! And! Come by soon!

  12. Hello Leah!!
    I am out "lurking", while lounging at the moment at my Mom's. She is about 2 hrs south of my house. So, I am back in my old neighborhood,lol. Using her computer while mine is hopefully being fixed...

    Thanks for stopping by my place...Hubby had a great Bday. He enjoyed all the birthday wishes!
    Headed back north tomorrow, I hope.

    I hope to get a day trip to NYC this fall, with my BF. Her son and his wife are there now visiting friends, and taking care of their baby. They have been sending awesome pics of Central Park and other places they have been.
    Ok, I have rambled enough for now...great post!

    Hugs and smooches to Hedgie


  13. Gig, ramble? I say that much in one paragraph. Hey! Gotta go to your porn site.


  14. Hi Gig! I will pass smooches to Hedgie. Although she resists now when I try to grab her for a kiss...she's a little lady, I guess, boo hoo. She tells me she doesn't like big smacky kisses on her cheek, just little dainty ones, LOL.

    I am soooo sorry about your computer woes, it stinks!

    Hi Robyn, Hi Suzanne! Porn site not really porn, just weepy memories...

  15. Don't forget the "frying an egg on the sidealk" summer.

    Summer in the South? It's an "air so thick with humidity it hurts to breathe" summer.

  16. We are having the same sort of summerin the UK its hot , sticky and brooding . feels like its waiting for a big storm to break.

  17. Hi QG: yes, the none-too-silky air quality is de rigeur...and as for frying an egg, well, definitely possible...mmm...asphalt egg...

  18. Beast, and one would think the ickiness factor of the weather would make it sort of easier not to smoke. Alas.

  19. Hi babe. Thanks for your support over at the Onion. Glad you liked it ~ you're the best. It looks pink doesn't it!!!

    Love ya ~ have a great weekend.


  20. OIy, it's hot here too. And our AC was on the fritz, but $160 bucks later, it's working like a charm again.

  21. well, its bloody freezing here!
    today is not so bad but temps have been just above freezing this week, which is cold for sydney, and our heater is broken
    woe is me

    have a great weekend

  22. Hi Suzanne, Cecile and Kylie!

    I must admit it was sort of interesting to read about the broken ac and heater at our very different parts of the world. But don't think I want our friends to be chilly or overheated, it's just interesting to think of how different (but of course the same) our lives are...
