Saturday, July 12, 2008

Classic Girl

Sometimes I just love to have a good cry, and I'll play song after weepy song, beginning with usually something by David Bowie and spiralling downward through all the complaint rock I can think of, all the crap from Joni Mitchell's "Blue," and Liz Phair's "Divorce Song" and "F!@#k and Run," and the Shins and Velvet Revolver (fall to pieces, anyone?) and of course that weeper's anthem, "Down" by London Suede, and Bob Dylan, and who knows what other gloomy tearjerkers, but always ending with Jane's Addiction's "Classic Girl," which, for some reason, is my ultimate weeper. When Sgt. Pepper was working at night and he'd come home to find me clutching a tear-stained "Ritual de lo Habitual," he'd know instantly what had transpired, and suggest that maybe it was time to turn off the stereo. To his credit, although he witnessed this at least several times, he'd never laugh at me, or, at least, not out loud.

I hate to think that this is a girl's-only thing--or that I'm the only one who does it at all--do guys do this too? Or maybe they just take the weepy song journey without the accompanying sobbing? Anyway, if you've never done this, I think it's quite salubrious. I'm even thinking of making a mixed cd...although perhaps one girl's weeper is another's dance party...

p.s. I've finally gotten a post up at Just a Housewife, but the NC-17 warning on that one is possibly just boredom...


  1. Hi Leah!

    The songs don't get, but the movies sure do. Mrs. Skeeter doesn't like to take me to the weepy romantic movies because of it.

    Best wishes,

  2. Hey there,

    A slightly different twist on the same theme; I can remember in my single days, which were my artistic days as well, in which I would immerse myself in my music. A single reading lamp would light up my workspace, which at the time was a coffee table. Sitting alone, working on a drawing, my concentration was so intense, that the my music would invoke various feelings and memories.

    It's the difference between hearing and feeling the music. I am guessing that you have some memories tied to some of these songs as well. Perhaps?

    Wow, where did that response come from? I'm usually a very private person who doesn't share much.

    I won't sign my name so no one will know it's me.

  3. Brian, I think we all know it was you there.

    Music is such a powerful and wonderful tool. It does envoke feelings and memories and so much more.

    I cannot listen to REO Speedwagons song, "I Can't Fight This Feeling"
    without crying. It was very popular in late 84 early 85. It was the favorite song of my brother's. His name was Richard. He died in a car accident in Feb. of 85 and I've cried when I hear that song ever since because it reminds me of him. I was only 10 when he died, but I was very close to him. He was 23 and he loved his baby sister very much.

  4. Hey Leah,
    Great post!! Music can bring out so many different emotions in us...I can remember when I was going through my divorce, the Gloria Gaynor song "I will Survive" was what got me through that time. So have I done the weepy thing...sure...just with country music these days, sometimes it's healthy to get it all out of our system. I also love the feel good, happy songs to sing along with when on the road,LOL. Gotta go now, shared way to much...


  5. Well, almost all my "Peeps" are here, so I thought I'd pipe in. Music. God love her. She lifts you up, she breaks you down. She's the rythm of life. She remembers ever single important moment and every single disappointment. You never move to the next phase of your life without her. I took Cermanics 101 at UCLA and I swear to God, my instructor said he grew up never listening to music. We all looked at him as if he was crazy. And told him so. We asked "Where are your mile markers?" What reminds you of school? Your best friend? Your first date. The prom? (We were a difficult crowd and rather relentless!). He didn't really understand our questions, but he was one hell of a ceramicist.

    I usually only listen to classical at this point in my life. Why? Because it isn't something that goes around in a loop in my brain. All the other stuff does. I'll listen to Hotel California and the next thing I know I'm listening to it 24-7 for a month or so. It's insane. It's like that with all the music I adore. But classical, which I also adore, doesn't seem to cause that much harm. But yes, every song evokes an image hard to ignore. I've had an intersting and wonderful life and music has played an important role. I wouldn't change a single note. Listening to Led Zepplin on headphones for the first time around 1976...heard sounds I'd never heard. Brilliant.

    I love music and think it matters a great deal.


  6. Leah!
    THANK GOD you posted are so right! There are just songs that I swear I fumble through and throw on the CD player just so I can CRY! OR SOB!
    You know there are just times when those songs are so necessary. Jim doesn't claim to understand it. But there are times when he actually listens to the words. Because really I think women really LISTEN to the words while on the other hand (and Jim is prime example)men tend to listen to the rthym/beat. And that is what draws them to the song.

    Which I never really understood totally, for me the words are what hold the power and the of course the mood I am in! *wiping a tear from the corner of my eye*

  7. These were such great comments! Thanks, as they say, for sharing. I'm really enjoying reading these. As Brian said, although he tried to remain anonymous LOL, there are memories tied to these songs--sometimes really potent ones like yours Cece...maybe sometime you'll do a post on your brother, introduce us to him? Show us a picture? Or maybe it would be too sad for you, I don't know.

    Gig, I love listening to music on the road too--the Sing-Out-Loud-Don't-Care-How-Silly-I-Look-Or-Sound ones are just wonderful.

    Suzanne, I tend to get stuck on a song--my most recent was "Just Like Heaven" by the Cure, and when I glanced at my iTunes playlist, I saw I'd played it 63 times in just a few weeks...

    Robyn--I agree, the words are essential. I've always listened with an ear to the lyrics, ever since I first started to listen to the Beatles when I was six or so. My best friend and I would memorize all the lyrics and then hold concerts in the car for our parents...but I digress...

    Skeeter! Sarge too will shed a tear (and by "a" I am being euphemistic) at movies. I think that's awesome; I've always appreciated it.

  8. Music is my soul and I cannot live without it. I like to have a good cry at songs, and when I'm feeling down and I need to get that cry out of me, I sit down and put a lot of those kinds of songs on. The one that has got me most recently, is Fix You, by Coldplay. Two others spring to mind - 'To make you feel my love' by Adele and 'Sad Eyes' by Bat for Lashes.
    Movies can also get me and the main culprit for this is 'The Color Purple' - just that ending when the children run up to Celie......even now thinking of it makes me want to bawl....

    Great post Leah.

    Peter x

  9. Leah, forgive me...


    Fix you is a constant for me. I get up the courage every few weeks or months then just sit, watch, cry and contemplate. There is one, only ONE video on youtube that matters. I'll direct you to it. It's amazing. It's a live concert in England. Stunning.

    Love you all. This was a great post Leah. Thank you.

  10. Leah, just so you know, when I arrived I click on your housewife blog first. I'm laughing. This could be an indication of trouble!


  11. Come by and say hello and see me! I have posted some pics! Did something very new to me...eeekkk! Had some fun but thought I would give it a try!

  12. Thanks for posting this. I have a similar “Sad Songs” posting that I’ve composed but never posted.

    My all-time favourite weep-along-to-it song is It Makes No Difference by The Band. (song begins after about 10 seconds of talking).

    Just kill me now.

  13. MJ! I love that song, and I haven't heard it in forever, so thanks for the link. I think it may have to go into the piteous weeping rotation now.

  14. Hi Peter--see, you too know the value of a good cry! It really can be a wonderful thing

  15. Leah! Can I just carry you in my back pocket girly! WOW! What a boost to my faultering ego! Thanks for the kind words..they really meant a lot to me. I took a ton and really had to pick the best...I was laughing so hard that some where so blurred. I can tell you that I have had that much fun by myself (well...I might have to talk about that over at the housewife in a very long time.
    Many hugs girly your the best!

  16. Hi leah,
    I agree that songs do bring back memories of many milestones in my life. Mainly 70's era. Now i just listen to classical music every now and then. One song in particular 'Rambling Rose" which my mother loved to sing, if i hear that on the radio it always takes me back.
    Isn't it typical of men to go for that butt picture. No need to own up, no offence
    I will try to come by more often.
    bye for now,

  17. another blog! how wicked is that! i'll have to check it out on the non dial up day... and a good cry? isnt that normal for everyone? huh *wanders off scratching head wondering if hes not normal*

  18. Robyn, those pictures were fantastic--and you ARE gorgeous, I'll tell you anytime! It got me thinking about putting up a picture versus not showing one's self. It's a very interesting dilemma, isn't it? I've not resolved that one yet for myself.

    Jo, I'm so glad you stopped by at my odd little corner of the world here! Very nice to have you over. You know, I have a song that reminds me of my dad, but it actually makes me TOO sad to put in the rotation. Maybe with time...

    Zack, dear, great to see that IV popping up--how's the moonscape doing? I hope you're all good now, good as can be anyway...and yes, you're quite normal, but in comparison with what? LOL...

  19. Hey, you forgot me. What am I, wallpaper?

  20. Hello Suzanne! Is "what am I, wallpaper?" the vegetarian version of "what am I, chopped liver?" lol...

    I should have a new NC-17 post soon, so at least you'll have something new to look at!!!


  21. hey leah,
    i've been lurking on this post for so long, usually rushing off to see whats happening at "....housewife" :)
    nup, it seems i'm the only one in the world who doesn't cry to songs, movies are another story.

    did you ever see an episode of everybody loves raymond, where his wife sends everyone out so she can watch movies and cry? it was so funny


  22. Yup, poopular. Not a typo. My sisters are all very, very funny and one day in high school my younger sister said, and I quote, "What makes you so damn poopular?" I thought we would all just die laughing cuz she was serious. So now it's up for grabs at the Wild Onion!

    Love ya honey,
