Tuesday, June 17, 2008


i am totally demoralized


Thank you for leaving such sweet thoughts the other day! It's so bolstering. I've been finding that whenever I feel particularly glumpy like that, it means I'm getting sick, and in fact that was the case, so here I lie once more on my bed of woe, stiff neck, cough, and stuffed head...I bet I'll chirk right up when I feel better...then I'll be back...



  1. Darlin', demoralized? by what we have to find a plain here between tmi and tli --- there is little that can't be fixed by chocolate, wine, girlfiends or little arm hugs - K

  2. "Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance."

    However, pacing yourself is important as well. I'm guessing that this is the source of the problem. If not, I will pull up a chair (beer in hand) and lend an ear.


  3. Oh tell me about it! I'm beat. Work is keeping me too busy to do much of anything and I miss having a "real life". Maximum empathy and sympathy goes out to you dear. Like they say, cheer up the sun's almost up. Yeah, well, sometimes it works, you know?

  4. Oh, dont be. Doing so many things at one time is not easy. I am sure you are doing a great job.

  5. if chocolate, wine and girlfriends dont work theres coffee, cheesecake and ice cream.....or i just go to bed and bawl until it's all gone. totally self indulgent and totally inappropriate with hedgie about but it works :)
    take care

  6. aww, sorry to hear that, but it does happen sometimes, eh? Don't know what to suggest as different things work for different people.....but take care....

    Peter x

  7. Come on baby, don't fail me now. I'm dreamin' of a beautiful summer in the Adirondacks. Buck up. How am I going to get there before snowfall if I'm walking!? In black heels. I'm standing out in front of the Hilton waiting for your Town Car. Come one honey. You can do it. Just pull around. I'll drive. I'm a great driver (it's the other assholes who screw me!). I bought lots of good snackies and we'll stop in Rhinebeck to get a nice hot cup of tea and some scones at that little tea place, then on to Lake George (my favorite place). We'll spend the night lounging by the water and talking about blogger friends, eat, drink and be merry, then on to the house by the lake in the morning. Relax and enjoy the ride and the experience. When we get to the house, I'll even cook. Yes, you and Heggie will eat vegetarian! And you will like it, damnit! I will tuck you in at night and wake you for amazing coffee in the morning. Oh and I'll get Heggie off to school. Oh, that's right, she's on vacation. Okay, I'll enroll her in some extra curricular activity that would make you proud, like "How To Understand Nuclear Biology," or "Enjoying Quantum Physics." Everything's going to be okay and you WILL recover. I'll make sure of that because without you, life would be awful. Absolutely awful.

    I love you baby,
