Monday, June 9, 2008

This is why...

I'm not a Democrat.  In a piece of performance art, I registered as a Republican several years ago.  That's right, people, you heard it, I'm a card-carrying Performance Artist Republican.   And I say with pride that I haven't voted for a Democrat in years, even before I joined the reptiles.  But something thrilling happened to momentarily lessen my cynicism, and that is that a ballsy woman ran a real honest-to-gosh campaign for president of the United States.  I cried a little the day I told Hedgehog about her campaign and about how there might be a woman in the White House.  And then what happened? Something really bizarre.  Although she was quite viable, although many (nay half) of the votes went to her, the media ran a weird anti-campaign, maintaining vociferously from early on that she had not a snowball's chance in Hades of winning this preliminary.  Now if you were watching closely, you realized this was patently untrue.  So untrue, in fact, that I'm still reeling from the untruth.  If I were a conspiracy theorist, I'd have a field day.

I can't say anymore right now on this painful subject, but I'll leave you with a link to an op-ed piece that for me says it all brilliantly: "Political Viagra"

*arggh...strangled cries of disappointment and chagrin as I wave my Voter's Registration card around wildly*


  1. I feel just as much sadness and remorse as you do. I really felt that she had a good chance and that she was the better of the three choices. I just wish she would run as an independent. But I suppose she cannot.

  2. That's interesting--I wish she would too. I guess her ties to the Democratic party would prevent her...I really am keeping my fingers crossed that he picks her as a running mate. I would get in on that ticket.

  3. Great post dear leah! I am not really sure how I feel about the whole thing. All I know I am very leary of McCain. I don't think Obama will have her as his running mate, due to her husband. It would be liking having 3 presidents running around the white house. Geeeshhhhh...I really have to stop and ponder this for a while.

    Leah when you get a chance come by and check out a blog I found that you will really get a kick out of it!

  4. I think she bowed out gracefully, and I really think that he should chose her as a running mate too. Can you image what a strong ticket that would be. I truly think he would be a fool not to choose her. And think of the historical implications. I suppose we will just have to wait and see.

  5. Eek! Republicans!

    Hey, I've learned something new on your blog and yet this is my very first visit.

    "hypnopompic: of or relating to the state immediately following waking up."

    I'm hypnopompic all day.

  6. I prefer the Fluxus "happenings" to most modern performance art.

  7. MJ--so you like Republicans, do you?

    I too suffer from all-day hypnopompism (think that's a word? I have my doubts) does that mean we're constantly dozing off and then waking up again? hmm. It would explain a lot of missed connections...

    WCSN--my personal performance art of late has been lacking in a certain dignity--consider too the unfortunate scene in the car outed in my last post--

    Hi Robyn--I'll stop by and check out your new guy! I laughed at the truth in your comment--three presidents running around the White House indeed!

  8. I'm a Canadian so my vote doesn't count.

    I'm off to look at dishcloths now.

  9. I wish I could comment on this in some profound manner, but I just don't understand politics, let alone American politics. See the screw up that is British politics and you'll see why I'm confused.....!!!


  10. Hi Peter--I don't think I understand American politics all that well either--just had to get a rant off my chest!!! LOL, sort of...

  11. American politics makes no sense to me what so ever.
    I have no idea what the difference between a republican and a democrat is !

  12. Hello, Beast--Republicans are maybe like the Conservative Party? Do you still call them Tories? Or maybe that's an old-fashioned expression. And Democrats are maybe more like the Labor Party? That's probably too simplistic.

    Actually I think Democrats and Republicans are the same, but again, that's probably my inner Marxist Conspiracy Theorist talking...

  13. i thought id be voting libertarian this year, but bob barr is such a schmuck... obama? are you kidding me? john mcsame, uhhh, no? there really isnt anyone worth it this year... was there last time either. id rather vote for the party platform, but the canidates are such tools... i guess it boils down to the sharpest tool in the shed... kind of like using a knife as a hammer....

  14. i havent commented here because i just dont know anything about it and i was waiting for a new post but it's not here yet so i'll just say i'm generally a lefty and that means a democrat and i'd be very happy to look at obama on tv for years to come.
    oops, did i say that aloud? on a serious post?

  15. Kylie, I'm a leftie too in so many ways...just not all ways...

    IV, I too hate the idea of the choice between a "s!@#$t sandwich and a d!@#bag" ala South Park...oh, wait you don't watch tv! Anyway, you get the gist of what i'm saying...

  16. Hi NSCG, yes, I'm always, year after year, feeling vaguely disappointed and embittered. I especially hate that feeling because I remember clearly when I turned 18 in college and could vote in my first presidential election, how very very excited I was!

  17. The comments are killing me! No Leah, I'm no supposed to be here, but I still am. Stop writing such good posts damn it. She would have made a remarkable president. We all know that, but Obama pulled ahead for no reason that I can figure out other than the one you stated. She'll be back and I do believe will one day be our president. I wish she could be VP as well. I think she'd be remarkable, and as Robyn stated, the white house would get 3 presidents. Frankly, I think that would be a good thing. We need all three of them to get the hell out of the mess we're in.

    Love you,
