Saturday, June 21, 2008

Six Word Memoir

Cecile from over at Mindworks of Cecile has tagged me for a really good meme--your memoir in six words. I in turn challenged my home folks, who rebelled as you can see:

"I never wanted a short memoir."--Sgt. Pepper

"No memoirs while I am eating."--Hedgehog

Here's mine:

"Sun and shadows, wind and rain."

Yep, the Grateful Dead said it all so very well.


  1. Those are great! So much more fun when you can engage the whole family. I'll have to get the rest of mine envolved. GOOD JOB. Hope you are feeling better now.

  2. Not sure whether to grab my parasol or my umbrella when I'm around you.

  3. Love it. You're the best.


    P.S. What, you think that's all I had to say? Five words? Snap out of it baby. Cielo is having a Garden Party on her blog. It's fabulous. You'll enjoy it. I was invitied and my post is sort of up, I still have to write and tweak some things, but you'll get to see more photos of the gardens. Overlook the weeds honey. It's been a tough year. Love ya. Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend.

  4. Let me tell you a little story. As you know I accidently erased my blog roll, so I have to do all sorts of crazing things to navigate Blogger now until I get it back. Mostly, I rely on friends to get me from one blog to another. I clicked on the Wild Onion and didn't see your name. Panic. "Why?" "What's wrong?" I sat a long time and asked myself, "Were we offensive in some way?" Then I realized I was still on your blog, so of course your name wouldn't appear. That Leah, is my life. Of course I'm laughing.


  5. yours is excellent...wish i'd thought of it
    sarge and hedgie? absolute rebels :)

  6. How very fun. See, now we know you much better that we have read your memoir. And the family too.

  7. Leah,

    Love it! Does this mean that you're a little paradox?

    Peter x

  8. Hey guys,

    Cecile, I figured I would tag my people at home for this one! They like when I "interview" them, even when they won't cooperate!

    MJ, by all means the long as it's waterproof...

    Suzanne--the garden party is wonderful. I showed Hedgie the pics of your garden, and now she's planning her own with my mom--veggies and some flowers to start with.

    Hi Kylie! Oh, they're rebels all right...

    CSI, yup we're an open book now.

    Peter, I'm a total paradox! It drives Sarge wild, and NOT in a good way!!!

  9. I spell her name Heggie, you spell it Hedgie. She's loved on both coasts!

    You did something very special for me today. After reading about "Hedgie's" love of my garden I wrote to Brian to apologize and move on. She made me realize that a garden is special because I get to start over, every year! She doesn't realize that yet, but she will as the years roll by and her garden changes and evolves and the way she sees life will too. You both taught me something valuable today about forgiveness, love and seeing beyond with my garden as a methaphor. I love you both so much and thank you for your friendship my dear Leah and for understanding the bigger picture. You are a true friend to all of us and trust me honey, it doesn't go unnoticed. Brian and I will never "fix" what happened, but moving on is a good thing and making amends is good too. Thank you for helping facilitate that.

    As a bonus, I'd like to throw in a few plants for Heggie's garden. I have about 150 I have no idea where to plant because I've run out of room!!! Don't tell her yet. Let her discover what she likes on her own. Then tell me and I'll look through my nursery stock and send something next spring when the time is right for planting. It will be a wonderful surprise for a new gardener! Please also let me know if this is for her Brooklyn garden or her Upstate garden. Big difference. That's kinda important! Oh, also give me the size of her garden.

    Honey, Bob and IV could probably use your suppport. Both are going through a bit of depression. I know you understand it and the words that comfort.

    I love you. Honestly, I do. And thank you for your constant faith and support.


  10. Suzanne, I'm so so glad to hear that! You have no idea how glad.

    And that is a lovely thing to offer Hedgie--I'll keep you posted on the progress of her little garden. It's to be upstate, and so needs to slumber in the winter under 10 feet of snow...


  11. Leah and Hedgie,

    Thank you. I heard from Uncle CSI and we're fine. Hedgie, I love you. You have no idea what you did, but it change the universe in some small way by making me think more clearly. Leah, I love you. And thank you for everything. Mending bridges is a wonderful thing, especially if the one you're mending bridges with forgives you. And he has. You know how much we love one another, so it didn't make sense to end in such a horrible way. Everything is right with the world and I have you to thank for just being you. You didn't do anything in particular, you just were a constant voice of reason without even knowing. I love you to death honey. You know that. I've learned a valuable lesson and that's what I was supposed to learn.


    P.S. Secretely gather Hedgies wish list, and I'll see what I can come up with in the Spring! XO

  12. Very cool six word memoirs. Very cool indeed.

    Best wishes,

  13. to bbc
    takes one to know one is what i always say

  14. Swear to God, came back to see if I'd embarrassed myself only to be blindsided by BBC. I haven't stopped laughing. Life is beautiful and kinda simple really. Way too funny. Fortunately he didn't run me into another vehicle, jack up my insurance rate and put a point on my license. (Yes, of course, we're appealing. I'm not going to run off the road by some idiot and then be blamed for it!!!)

    Love you honey. And thanks again. You and Hedgie really made a difference today.


    P.S. And Kylie. That woman's a firecracker!

  15. Kylie, you are so right.

    Anyway, I'm sure we'd all be happier as idiots. It would all be so much easier. But alas.

  16. Hi Skeeter! I was just thinking about you last night. I was thinking, "I wonder what's doing out there in Oklahoma." I think I'll go mosey over to your blog!

  17. Hi Suzanne, I'm somewhere between laughter and chagrin...

  18. I saw on your profile that you read "We have always lived in the castle" I just love Shirley Jackson!!!

  19. I've got pics of our new land up. Go check it out. Hope your doing well.

  20. Hi Leezee! I adore Shirley Jackson, absolutely. I think she's really one of the great American writers, underrated in a way, you know?

    Thanks for visiting!
