Wednesday, February 20, 2008

You People are Lovely!

What a nice bunch of supportive comments I got yesterday on my depressive post! Thank you thank you, people!

Today I woke up with the flu. Feh. High fever, barking cough, chills...I wonder if this has anything to do with my feelings of hopelessness yesterday, eh?

Bless the Advil. My fever is down to 100 right now and I'm relatively perky. And E. scurried around after school fixing me fizzy drinks with straws and ice, and putting cool cloths on my forehead. She absolutely loves being a little mama, and I must say, she was very comforting!

I'm off to recline on my bed of woe and stare at television. More anon



  1. Oh dear leah! I came in here to check on you...and I find you sick. Bless your heart! Thank you for the thanks...put really I should be thanking you. I really enjoy coming here.

    Here *setting down little mason jar filled with flowers* I brought your these! :)

    What does my mom always say "...there, there this too shall pass!"

    Heres a squeeze for you. Talk to you soon! Come by when you can!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Robyn--I love the mason jar filled with flowers! I can just imagine it perfectly. At least being sick gives me a chance to knit and watch tv without guilt...

  3. Knitting and TV - what a wonderful way to spend the day and guilt free 'cause you have to rest to get better or you'll get Really Sick! - Lots of fluids now ;) Karrie
