Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What Do a 1915 A4 Gibson Mandolin, Severus Snape, and a Whirlpool Stackable Washer-Dryer Have in Common?

Yes, you guessed it, they are my favorite beaus. A doesn't mind, though. We have a swinging marriage. The washer-dryer is actually moving in with us soon, right into the kitchen. I have a great deal to say about this washer-dryer, and I will say it soon. Whoever's reading this, you may feel free to skip over that bit. When I get a new boyfriend, I become insufferable.


  1. I understand, I romanced my portable washer when we lived in the converted "summer cottage" on the island... with a baby - K

  2. Hi ladies--

    Karrie--yes, the baby aspect of things certainly ups the romance quotient! When E was a baby we lived in Queens with no laundry situation, and I swear I spent half my life either lurking around my mom's washing machine, or haunting the icky laundromat..we understand the allure, right?

  3. Funny - we have a craig's list stacked washer/dryer on the front lawn as I type, ready to be wrestled into our laundry shack and connected.

    In the summer we'll still use the line in the backyard, but winter we've been insanely hanging every load on nails from the living room ceiling. We desperately needed a dryer, even sans diapers and baby clothes.

    Can't wait to meet your Mandolin some day...



  4. Hey Allison--OMG (I love that) we totally have to double date with our stackable washer-dryers!!

  5. I'm wearing my first machine dried jeans in a few years... and we've started a dryer lint collection.


