Friday, September 7, 2007

Squirtle to Wartortle to Blastoise

It's the last official day of our summer, and I'm quite moody, worrying about getting back to housework and dissertation and real life in Brooklyn, and the melancholy of E starting first grade (my melancholy, I mean)--she's a very intense little person, but I've gotten used to, and love, having her around all day. Selfish, I guess. She needs to be back amongst the six-year-olds...

Pokemon fever has hit our little brown camp in the Adirondacks. It all began with a Salvation Army find--Bubbe purchased an enormous collection of the cards for ten dollars. Now E and Sissy have become obsessed. E returns to Brooklyn armed with an ever-increasing collection...

And here are the projects for my stepdad's b-day. I just can't recommend these dishclothes enough. You can get the pattern in "Mason-Dixon Knitting" (an inspiring book--these ladies have a great color sense), or on the Peaches and Creme cotton yarn wrapper. They are so much fun to make, work better than a sponge on dishes, and wash and dry nicely. Try making some--it's almost as addictive as rippling!


  1. I went through a Pokemon phase several years ago. I had a thing for Charmander and when he evolved into Charmeleon it broke my heart and I quit Pokemon forever.

    I do still sing the Jigglypuff song from time to time, but only to the cat.

  2. LOVE the dishclothes!! I am still working on mine for Christmas, and working on them, and working on them. Karrie

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog!

    I love your dishclothes! Lovely bright colors! I have that book and have been meaning to knit some but never got around. Now I definitely have to!
