Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's Too Early

A's alarm woke the whole household at 5:30 a.m. Too early. Now we're up, but A has decided to take the day off in the interests of sanity.

Meanwhile, my dissertation casts me reproachful looks from the little workstation in the corner. I have become completely obsessed with Severus Snape. My Gods, I'm a married woman! And Snape, I might add, does not actually exist. The depths of my obsession reveals the proportional depths of my dissertation avoidance. I keep telling myself, Snape would tell you to finish your dissertation. If he existed. That's it, I'm going to make myself a bracelet--WWSS?--haha. Or should it be WWSD? Well, Snape would finish his dissertation. So either way, it's all good.

Or is it?

I told you it was too early.


  1. Are those new vocab words chosen specifically to go along with the Snape theme?

  2. Why, yes, they are...and I must admit that some of them came from the rather brainy fan fic I've been poring over! I can't believe how many times I had to consult my dictionary...

  3. Everyone needs some fantasy in their lives. So... what is your dissertation about?
