Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The Ripple of Old

I've just remembered a ripple I made for E when she was a baby. I took it out of its storage bag--it smelled so sweet!

we put dr. friz on the ripple and he ran all over [writes E]. Here's Dr. Frizzle, taking in the sights a little blearily:

Yesterday I double-parked on Sullivan Street and ran into Purl to quite literally grab the last few skeins needed for my new Ripple:

And here's Ripple, maybe 2/3 of the way:


  1. Dr. Frizzle! I've been waiting for his appearance!

  2. What are the dimensions of your new ripple? I hope I haven't asked this before... :)

  3. I was also wondering what the final dimensions (at least the width), and also what your starting chain and hook size are.

    The Glace is just gorgeous. Are you repeating colors? How many rows/sets of 2 row colors are you getting from one skein?


  4. That is looking gorgeous, I love the colors you chose!

  5. Thanks for sharing! I love your ripple and was hoping you could tell me what kind of yarn you bought that you purchased in the photo of yarn. It look so pretty and the colors are great. I might just be inspired to do a ripple too. Thanks so much!
    My address is: jheinen10@frontiernet.net

  6. heh.. animals are cool!

    Great choice in yarns... mmmm colour.
